Negative Error

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Their attack was serious their movements were deadly and more determined than ever before. Error felt sharp fear at this even as he fought off Blue and the other guards. The ambush at come out of nowhere and all means of escape had been completely cut off. Error's mind was running a mile a minute trying to find a way to escape.

He froze up as his eye lights locked on Cross. The echoing sounds of bone loudly breaking as Cross's skull visibly caved in by Ink's brush. Cross's form slammed into the ground eye lights going out. Error's mind pleaded with itself as Cross for Cross to be okay. Unfortunately Cross's body was dusting right before his eyes.

Error held back scream and frantically looked for Nightmare while dodging through the guards around him. He ducked under blades and attacks before seeing Nightmare's staff being pressed back by Dream's sword. Nightmare's eye lights were filled with purple tears. Error didn't hesitate to dive in and wrap Dream up in his strings. The guardian of positivity struggled against the binds his wings compressed against his body.

Nightmare stumbled away towards Error and the two of them dodged and tumbled through the numerous guards together. The mass of guards made it easy to avoid the grasp of the three most dangerous skeletons. They took off down the street into the forest beyond the town they had been deceived into pranking. Both were breathless unable to portal or teleport by whatever means the Justice Reign had created for them.

"Night.....Crosss he's.." Error was interrupted.

"I....I know I felt it, but we can't stop now." Nightmare gasped out.

The two fled deeper into the forest still trying to access a teleport every once in a while to see if they were out of range of whatever was being used wouldn't last long.

A sword pierced through a tree as Nightmare barely avoided being skewered. Dream who now stood not far from him stared coldly down at them.

Error prepped his strings, but had to dodge back from Ink's swinging brush. Blue also made himself known with strings of his own. Error focused on fighting them. In the back of his mind though he knew continuing the fight like he was wasn't a good idea. The Meme squad never aimed to kill and being faced with two of JR generals capable and willing to kill. Error can't hold back. Not here not now.

What if Nightmare dies because of it?

Error fought more fiercely than he ever had before leaving the two skeletons broken boned on the ground. He quickly turned to Nightmare and found his soul screaming. Both guardians were heavily injured and Dream had just stabbed Nightmare through the chest barely missing his soul. But the damage was already done. Nightmare used a wave of magic to send Dream flying back against the ground.

Error ran to him and crotched down.

Muttering,"No please it'll be fine. Please be okay."

Nightmare sadly smiled up at Error. Purple magic leaking from injuries.

"It's okay Error. Everything's going to be fine........will you do somethings for me."

Error nodded frantically. Nightmare reached up to touch his glitchy friend lightly on the cheek.

"We we always pushed you to come with us and mess with others. You never really enjoyed it as much as us. Don't let today change that about you. Ttake the apple soul. Absorb it so you can escape......block with th...settle in omega timeline. Be"

Nightmare's eye lights went out and Error shakily grabbed the apple that was floating out of Night's body as his body faded away. It felt warm and like Nightmare when he wrapped him in magic after a nightmare or during a panic attack. Error moved the soul close getting confused along with the raw pain of emotions and going into shock. How does someone absorb a soul?

Error glanced at Dream who was staring up at him wide eyed. He wasn't sure if it was his addled mind or crazy inspiration. Opening his mouth his five tongues shot out wrapped around the apple before swallowing it whole. He stared dazed at Dream while doing it.

Then pain. His soul burned. Error collapsed trembling, but a comforting warmth that was completely Nightmare soothingly wrapped around him. Error felt his tears fall whether from pain or the reminder his friends were dead. Another pain ripped through his spin.

A pair of wings like Dream's own burst from his back. They were a dark purple-blue(periwinkle) his tear marks darkened to the same color as his tears continued to fall and stain his cheeks more. A surge of power rushed through him as Error felt a wait settle on his shoulder. He could recognize and feel Dream's shock, horror and sadness. He could feel emotions in and around him in a way that disoriented him.

Error who realized he had collapsed on his knees shakingly stood up. He reached out to leave this au filling something give away as he teleported out of the universe. He appeared back at their home in the omega timeline and collapsed screaming. Why.....why did this happen......why did they have to die. They might of been nuisance, but they weren't crazy mass murderers or anything.

How could Dream kill Nightmare? How could Ink kill Cross? They were brothers and they were friends. Error felt the weight of the empty house around him. No more memes. No more pranks. He was alone now. And he could feel the heavy duty Nightmare had placed on his shoulders. The weight of being the embodiment of negativity for the multiverse. Error's new wings spasmed knocking over the coffee table.

He grimaced at the loud sound. What was he to do now?

(So Dreamswap yeah. The Justice Reign created a device to block teleporting or portaling. They planned that to be the final fight against the ever elusive Meme Squad one way or the other.)

(Nightmare knew that if he died the multiverse wouldn't last long without negativity so he gave his soul to Error because of that and the fact he wanted to give one of his brothers in all but bones a chance to live and escape. Error was strong and so was Nightmare if they combined their power one of them could escape. He would always sacrifice himself first and knew Error could handle it.)

(Omega timeline is neutral grounds and Dream doesn't have access to it because he isn't neutral. Nightmare respects the balance and so do those that live in the omega timeline.)

(Dream was shocked and horrified. All of them were as Error was changed. They were lucky Ds Error has a gentle soul despite it all. There is still a chance Error might seek revenge if he doesn't find some way to keep himself grounded. JR had steeled themselves for that very day even if it hurts to kill them.)

(What to call negative Error? Terror.......Nega........Vent.........Crack..........Absolve. Absolve sounds interesting as a name 🤔 )

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