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Error could feel Ink shift himself on the large beanbag close but not quite touching him. The artist could never sit still even when he's drawing and Error was quite used to it by this point. Error himself was knitting a new jacket as his others usually wined up being taken by a few individuals.

It doesn't help that Errors own magic is embedded in them making his jacket and dolls a good comforting tool for those who are close to him. At that moment Ink called out to Error. He turned to find Ink was now holding his phone and barely containing his laughter.

"Pfft ..Ruru look it seems Nightmare has become his own worst nightmare." Ink thrusted the phone into Error's sights. Error choked on his own glitched laughter at the picture of Nightmare flushed and wearing a maid outfit. He looked ready to maim someone and a bright pink bow sat on his head. Neither skeletons could stop laughing.

"He seems to be maid for this role," croaked out Ink.

"A beautiful maiden surrounded by knights."laughed Error.

The two man-children continued to snicker and laugh at their horrible puns.

The two were interrupted by a inquiry,"What are my two troublemakers doing today."

Reaper leaned over Ink's shoulders without hesitation. Ink just pointed his phone to Reaper. "Killer and the others somehow got Nightmare in a maid outfit."

Reaper stared at the phone curiously."Nightmare seems to pull this off quite well. Can you send this to me such blackmail material shouldn't be wasted."

Error snorted,"of course that's the only thing you care about."

Reaper gasped and dramatically touched his own ribs in fake pain. "Why I'm shocked Error if you wanted my attention so much you could have just asked." He perverted grin pulled up his teeth.

"Whaaa....no that isn't what I meant." Error blushed stuttering and Reaper hovered closer. "Don't worry love I have plenty ways to show you I care."

Ink watched this play out as a pink and purple hearts entered his eye lights. Ink lightly touched Reaper's robes grinning."Mmm the antivoid has a lot of space that we can play in." Ink commented.

"No, Kiki, Reaps, just not now."
Error though was not having it at least not today. His phobia was acting up at the moment as they were still working on it. Both skeletons immediately caught on as they could tell from Error's voice he just wasn't up for it.

Reaper continued on without missing the beat while Ink pouted.

"Anyways I came to make sure you both actually make it home. It would be the death of us all if either of you could keep track of time." Reaper blandly explained.

Error and Ink knew it was true as they lived in the antivoid although Ink's part of it was the doodlesphere. Time in a timeless place didn't make sense for anyone.
They are either always late or always early for things.

Ink hopped onto his feet and stretched."Well let's hop to it. Don't want to keep the others waiting."

Error huffed,"Make sure your portal in the right ways this time idiot."

Ink pouted,"Oh come on that happened one time."

"Actually it's the sixth time," Death drawled out.

"And every single one of them was under novella worthy," Error muttered.

Ink stuck his tongue out and jumped into his Ink portal. Not before an inky chain wrapped around Error's ankle causing Error to scream out curses as he was dragged into the ink portal.

Reaper hummed watching the chaos with amusement and sipping from a cup of coffee that appeared from his inventory. He lazy swung his scythe cutting open a portal. Nobody uses Ink's portals if they could help it. Not only do they leave the vict....cough.. user wet. It feels like your being squeezed through a tube filled with slime.

Life hummed lightly as everyone had gathered in her living room. Error sat in his string nest up in the air now calmed down from the fiasco of a few minutes ago. Blue hadn't hesitated to go up to him the moment he settled in and told how his day went boisterously as Error listened attentively.

No conversation with Blue is boring especially since Blue created chaos just by living his life. Error ate it up like his undernovela. Briefly Life heard Blue mention fishing to Error. She was sure she would here the tale later.

Ink bounced around Dream who was exasperated yet content with Ink's presence and chatter.

Death floated next to Life giving her a knowing grin. They were a large polyamory and have been in one for decades. Much like Nightmare's own gang except they had their own sets of rules to deal with each other in the poly.

The obvious being don't ever touch Error without a warning. Never leave Error or Ink alone for long periods of time as the two don't handle it well. Error's suicidal and Ink has a sense of worthlessness that doesn't lead to anything good when left alone. The two were so alike yet different they usually understand each other in their crazy ways.

Blue is a gentle comforter and could be a bit naive at times meaning the others in their group needed to point things out so Blue doesn't get taken advantage of. Stretch's coddling hadn't been good for Blue in those moments as he made Blue think he was right about everything. His common sense never recovered.

When the kidnapping happened between Error and Blue. Blue had stepped up and grounded Error through his kindness while Error opened Blue's eyes about his bad habits by being extremely blunt. Blue had a special trust in Error when it involves honesty as the other mates are usually less straightforward about things.

Blue's introduction to Ink was after being let home. The guy kept up with Blue's energy and left common sense in the dirt. Blue learned some crazy habits from Ink. They egged each other's bright personalities on. They were the most likely culprits of pranks. For Blue Ink was the type of person who can always put a smile on his face.

Ink took Blue as his partner in crime to their more insane fun. Error was the one who gets him the most in their long life together. Dream to Ink was the one that helps him be a better person and understand people. Death was the multiversal gossip queen with all the blackmail. Life was a sweetheart. When things get difficult they were there for him and each other. Ink has come to truly realize he isn't alone anymore. Even without a soul he can be loved and love back.

Dream to Error was a steady presence. Error to Dream is someone he could go to for a tactic relaxation. Error doesn't try to dig up Dream's problems. He was the one who understood some things could never be talked about or understood. Dream could be the exact opposite at times, but knew Error hated being pushed about feelings. They found their relationship to be peaceful compared to the others. They both needed escape from their hyperactive mates.

Ink and Blue fell under the category of being contained by Dream. He makes sure they don't go to far and realize the consequences of their actions. They both made him happy as Ink's ridiculousness and Blue's endless kindness opened up Dream to so much more. They taught him to let go of the pain of the past and embrace a brighter future.

Reaper was the one you turned to for complements and endless flirts. He was easy going and very open minded. For Error, Reaper loved to fluster him and the fact the guys masochism can match up to Reaper's sadism is great. With Ink, flirting was egged on to extremely high levels. They were both shameless.

Blue was ignorant to most of it, but always bursting with joy from Reaper's compliments. Dream was flustered, but the two were more likely to get coffee together and talk. His mates brought joy and set him down to earth whenever his job as death became too much.

Finally their's Life who was the warmest of them. She was very understanding yet was The most qualified therapist among them if there ever was one. She could bring the most unstable of them back to earth with gentle words and soothing responses. She made them feel like they all have a home to return to and since they all technically live here that's pretty much true. Life felt fulfilled with her home filled with the laughter and chaos of her mates.

(Why am I bursting from sweetness? Now that I think about it this is like the least angsty thing I've written that isn't split into parts. My first completed non-angsty based m. Fluff with slight angst?)

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