Fallen To The Stars (fgod Error)

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Error woke up to pain. Which wasn't unusual, but the sheer amount of it left feeling sad and confused. It took him a moment to remember how he got to this state. Memories flashed of facing down an army of being pushed to exhaustion and finally falling to pain. So much pain. He had to escape and Fate's laughter........the mocking voices as he returned to the antivoid. Then he was fleeing from those that invaded the antivoid.

The next place was Outertale from where he looked over the edge. Something in his head whispering to jump and it will all be over. He was still being chased and even at that moment Error hesitated. The multiverse would die if he jumped. All those innocents which certainly didn't include those who harmed him would die. But.......but he couldn't do this anymore.

Why doesn't anyone believe him? Why does Fate torture him? Why is there only pain pain pain pain pain.....

So Error backed towards the edge as Ink and the others watched the destroyer fall to his death.

Those were his last memories. Error focused on the area around him finally breaking from his sluggish memories. There were bars and magic restraints around his wrists. He was trapped in some short of magic infused prison. The sound of footsteps echoed and Error saw.........Blue?

Except his eye lights flickered between blue, red and purple somewhat reminding him of a dust sans. Maybe a dust version of a swap sans? Error had promised not to touch Blue's aus after the whole kidnapping fiasco. Now Error was feeling even more guilty from jumping. Abandoning his friend to a slow death like that.

A crazed grin appeared on this swapsans face. Then another figure appeared their frame making Error momentarily think he was looking at Nightmare, but even with his trash eye sight Error could tell it definitely wasn't. A dark golden hue and the outline of familiar if goopy crown on their head. Golden eye lights sharp as Nightmare's own purple. Then the final person Error immediately recognized with a burst of terror and absolute confusion.

Ink, but his eye lights were darker more malicious. Not cold or serious and had a smirk.

(Basically Error ends up in a fallen Stars multiverse where the stars rule the universe like surprisingly benevolent kings. I'm unsure what the normal background of the fallen stars since I've read more than one background for the fallen stars. But for this multiverse Blue is basically dust 2.0, but regretted was he did. Shattered Dream convinced Blue that the only way to stop the resets and needless death was to take over the multiverse. Shattered Dream fell because of guilt and to try understanding his brother. The corruption opened his eyes to how twisted the multiverse was so started his journey to fix it. Ink after failing to protect a universe again was just tired and about ready to give up before Shattered Dream gave him this idea.)

(Continuing on with this multiverse they took down each villain permanently and convinced others to join their cause. Nightmare and his gang were captured and put through extreme rehabilitation. Error was killed being the insane destroyer of aus here. Ink used his coding and creation abilities to break barriers between aus and create a home kingdom for all the aus to be allowed to gather in. Resets were broken and though I don't really want to be racist it's a fact that most universes humans and monsters are pitted naturally against each other so Shattered's idea came to separate the human and monsters into completely different aus unless they're the rare naj au that has them already living peacefully. The fallen stars have the sans on their side who were tired of the resets and were the best enforcers for the shifts along with their motivational brothers.)

(In a way you can say core frisk was also a fallen star who rallied the omega timeline for the better future.)
(Fgod Error was found unconscious in Outertale and was immediately captured. The fallen stars are trying to figure out the situation as Error was literally regenerating entire body parts while also dusting a lot. He should be dead but was somehow still healing despite the magic suppressors they put on the supposed dead destroyer.)

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