Idea #10 Not Hungry (Error)

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Error groaned his soul ached. Fuck Ink for making so many aus. He sensed another universe form and the multiverse tremble barely able to handle the weight. Growling Error stumbled and teleported to the next au on his list.

A stupid copy of fishtale. He killed the fish versions of everyone before getting to the core and breaking it. The world shattered and Error collected the core code and left.

Error held the mass of the au codes in his hand before shoving into his mouth eating it. His soul aches more painfully, but it was the only way to safely dispose of aus.

Even if anyone was brave enough to rescue the red souls he collected in the anti void for.............aesthetic purposes they would be unable to reset since all the code and energy of the au was consumed by Error.

(Aka Error was created to delete aus by eating them. He gets the equivalent of a stomach ache through his soul aching from eating to many aus)

Story Ideas Of Error Sans And OthersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora