♡;Lights, camera and fuck off | G.W. | (1/4)

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Requested on Tumblr by thunderpurple

Bruh, I love age gap AUs uwu
The current era is also my fave one, fuck, I need more fics of current era Gee :/


"And what can we expect for The Umbrella Academy's second season?" The interviewer asks with an agonizing smile - there's something in it, giving off the slightest vibe I would describe as devilish, like if wanting to see every artist she interviews breaking under her questions and comments.

My attention doesn't remain on her for too long; I let my eyes fall to my hands that rest over my lap, presuming someone else will answer the question since I was the one who answered a few of the past ones. As supposed, Tom answers it, "well, it's a bit difficult commenting it without giving much spoilers, but it's going to be awesome," his grin is practically audible, kinda letting a mystery in the air with the way he says the last word.

The woman nods, continuing to speak, "also, I presume (y/n)'s going to have more screen time this season, right? Considering the past announcements." Her comment makes me immediately raise my gaze towards her and, if the altered tone while saying the last two wonder wasn't enough, she raises her eyebrows towards me in a sort of sign, glancing at Gerard too.

Gerard looks at her in certain disbelief, taking in a breath to answer. The sight makes her widen her eyes, already eager for the answer covered in annoyance, but I prefer to answer it myself - to not give her what she wants. I put on my best sweet smile, "well, not really. My character continues with the same highlight, she-"

"Um, that's not what I meant," she breathes a fake awkward chuckle, adjusting her glasses. "You probably gained more highlight after getting in a relationship with Gerard, which's, um, quite different from the conventional due to the age gap, what has also been commented a lot lately. Did something change-"

"Sorry," I cut her off, observing her curiously, "but I thought we were here to talk about the series and not anyone's personal life. Please let me know if there's another question like this because, if so, I'm leaving already. That's not what I'm here for. Also, I have a question for you myself. Did all the interviewers secretly agree on a thing of always asking the same questions?" I look at her, with a fake cluelessness over my features, not showing any sign of being intimidated by her.

The interviewer's eyes flicker over me, looking for the joking hint she never finds. Meanwhile, a heavy atmosphere follows the silence the room's set in. By the corner of my eyes, I can see Elliot and Tom share a quick look while Gabriel seems to prefer to not interfere in any way, demonstrating a sudden interest for the floor's patterns. Gerard just sits beside me casually, having an expression that demonstrates he agrees with me.


"Fuck, sometimes it's awful. Why do people act like if it is something from another world?" I raise an eyebrow at Gerard, "sometimes I feel like these people get pleasure in annoying artists and driving them to the edge." It's a bit difficult walking side by side on the relatively narrow sidewalk, but I don't feel like letting go of his hand, cogitating sending glares on whoever comes from the opposite direction so they decide to walk past by the street instead of waiting for one of us to open space. Thankfully it doesn't last long, just until we take a turn to one of more agitated streets.

"Maybe you're right," he presses his lips together, still seeming kind of bothered by the events from earlier. Exhaling, he continues with a blank expression before seeming to brush away all the thoughts, smiling at me instead. "Wanna stop for a coffee?"

Looking past him, I'm able to see a cafe by the other side of the street - grinning, I nod. We're soon sitting in a booth in a quiet corner of the cafe with our orders set in front of us, but momentarily forgotten there as we talk.

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