♡^Rainy day

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Okay, this really happened in my school yesterday (except the fact MCR and P!ATD weren't there; oh God) and I got very sentimental about it, don't judge me please 💕

[Update: I don't know when 'yesterday' was anymore]


"Ugh..." I mutter to myself walking past my class' doorway and staring at the students on the room. Barely anyone - out of 30 classmates, just 12 present there.

Obvious. Why would anyone leave their house when it's a rainy Monday morning; the day with the most boring schedule.

I tried to convince my mother with valid arguments - first class, gym that we won't have due to the said rain; then English where the teacher is confused as hell and all we are doing is preparing for the annual cultural fair; the next one is arts where we do basically nothing; history follows, but every Monday a substitute teacher assumes and she can't give us any new subject since, as said, she is a substitute; the last class is geography and I don't have any difficulty on it - even with this, no avail.

Sighing, I put my bag down on my seat and hug myself, trying to ease the coldness.

The room is comfortably silent; just the sound of the rain pouring softly outside and the low chatting of the classmates between themselves. My silence makes me wonder if my friends came to school too.

As if the universe hears my thought, laughter is heard from the hallways before their owners enter in the classroom.

It's Gerard and Ray. The two immediately see me on my seat and walk towards me.

"Hey, (y/n)." Gerard greets and Ray does the same, both smiling sweetly.

"Hello." I greet them and stand up, leaning against my desk table.

"Thought you weren't going to come." Gerard says and the other agrees, "You never come when it's rainy."

"Mom forced me to." I whine jokingly, "She does not want me to repeat just for absences."

"I have no choice, the world may be ending but I still need to come." Ray says making us both laugh.

We continue chatting, catching up about what happened during the weekend. The bell rings signing the beginning of the class time, but with the lack of a teacher, we just continue the same.

About half an hour later, the supervisor comes to the class and asks a random girl to go to the secretary as ask for a substitute to come to our class since the teacher didn't come and quickly leaves.

As the girl exits the classroom, I go to the door and take a look at the hallway. Just once one or two students there, what is weird. Usually, the hallway is full of students. It makes me conclude that it wasn't a lot of people that came to school.

"Did Mikey and Frank come too?" I ask returning to inside the warm room, sitting up on a table beside Ray and facing Gerard - choosing the tables of the closest row to the wall.

"They did, they came with us." Gerard affirms, "My mother gave Ray and Frank a ride until here."

"Lucky." I put playfully making him scoff, "You live literally five minutes away."

I open my mouth to answer when the most annoying teacher on the classroom comes through the doorway, making us immediately return to our sits and remain silent.

However, to our surprise, she does not show any emotion as she puts her things down on the teacher table and sits on the chair.

"You can continue." She shrugs opening a book and starting to read it, strangely not caring about our chatting.

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