🎄^Christmas Special | R.T.

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Here's the first one of the Christmas Special series uwuwu

Also, everyone seemed to love prompt 5 shfdshjfhs niice, I don't judge, it's really cute

It's so weird writing about it being cold in Christmas since it's always summer during Christmas over here-


Prompt: 4


"Ray's going to make a surprise to his family while I'll spend Christmas with mine, idiot, don't you know how to read the past messages?" I send the audio to the group chat before letting the phone down on the counter for a moment - finishing to place the last cleaned dish inside the cabinet - then head to the living room with it in hands. In the chat group, Gerard marked Ray's message from yesterday and Frank complains about not being obligated to read the messages sent when he's not online. Exhaling, I send a rolling eyes emoji and throw the phone on the couch.

"Shit." I groan as stretching myself - the curse isn't directed to pain my muscles feel at first due to the action, but because it just crosses my mind again that I still need to check if I packed all the needed things to visit my family in my home state. Checking it isn't so nice - even more when you're already tired of cleaning the house to leave it nice for when you're out. The thing is that I can't procrastinate anymore since the flight will be in some hours; shitty thing I didn't have time to do it until now.

I must admit, having the house empty and without Ray around is depressing, even if he's been gone just for some hours; the ambient is awfully quiet, not mentioning when I make a random comment as usual and the answer never comes, so leaving the house is a relief. It's even better when I'm greeted by everyone once inside my mother's house.

"Didn't Ray want to come with you this time?" Mom asks from her place next to the stove, already starting to cook dinner for everyone.

Finishing to sip on my coffee, I place the cup over the table again. "He went to celebrate Christmas with his family." I tell her with a smile. "He wants to make them a surprise." She nods slowly, turning back to the food and resuming to stir the soup with the big wooden spoon.

A silence falls over the ambient again, leading thoughts to start flooding my mind - the ambient is just so cozy, I love it a lot. All the Christmas decoration has a big part in it, but I guess it's even more awesome summed up with the comfortable atmosphere created by it all being like in those movie scenes where the camera registers everything from outside the kitchen's window - my mother calmly prepares food with her Christmas themed apron on while I sit on the the decorated table, both of us in a silence that's just interrupted by the faint voices coming from the living room and the sound of the soup boiling.

"So," I break the silence, "how was all this time without your favorite kid?" I grin widely at the playful judging look mom sends me, narrowing her eyes.

The rest of the day is based in more and more relatives arriving - all the closer ones plus people I rarely see even in celebrations like this -, some stay over and others leave to nearby hotels by the late hours of the night. In the morning, almost everyone is back together in the house for a day full of talking, pictures being shot and board games between who was interested; the others arrived later at night with food for the supper or gifts. After the supper and the gifts exchanging, I decided to head up to the room I'm staying in while everyone is still entertained with each other and the presents.

I'm already under the thick covers - also with my laptop over my lap - when I decide to video call Ray, wanting to know what's happening over there. It doesn't take long until his smiling face shows up on the screen as he seems to be sitting on a couch. "Hey, babe," I grin lazily, feeling tiredness hit on me lightly, "how are you doing? How's your Christmas doing?" My eyes briefly move to the side of the screen where I see there are just fifteen minutes until the 25th.

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