♡;Doctor Who? | G.W. | (4/5)

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wtwosbsbzubwbzm , I took a bit too long, but here it is :)))
Small help by kooppyy uwuwu


"-and if there are creatures who are good in hunting and others in running away, there must be creatures good at hiding. The voices you hear out of nothing, when the TV turns on without anyone actually doing it, when you're talking out loud to yourself. But it's not really to yourself-"

"Doctor, I recommend you to stop feeding my paranoia." I say, already a bit weirded out by the subject and all the 'you are never alone' thing. I don't think I'll be able to wash this sensation - and, consequently, fear of seeing one of these creatures - off easily.

"But (y/n)-" He uses that tone he always has before starting a rant.

"Doctor!" I say, furrowing my eyebrows at him in a pleading and desperate manner. He seems to finally get it, stopping suddenly and turning his gaze to me. Noticing a bit of guilt over his face, I soften my look.

"Sorry." He breathes, walking closer and sitting next to me on the chairs on the control room.

"No problems." I answer as receiving a kiss on the cheek from him. "Sometimes you just go too far." I say with a small chuckle, raising my eyebrows for a second. He smiles lightly, running his knuckles against the side of my face in an affectionate gesture.

"You've been a bit down lately." The Doctor says after a silent moment, making me shoot my eyes towards him kind of startled. He tilts his head, analyzing me.

"I've not." I blink a few times, disagreeing. - It's true something's been occupying my thoughts lately, but... not enough to let me visibly down, I believe.

Not convinced, he raises an eyebrow at me, eyeing me curiously. I roll my yes, looking away, yet he doesn't want to give up on the subject. "What have you thought about lately?" I can sense his face now close to mine, his breathe fanning over my cheek. "Don't make me find it out by myself." His tone is playfully warning.

I scoff, smiling slightly. "You shouldn't worry about it." I turn to look at him, meeting his questioning eyes. Nodding to affirm his unspoken question, I peck his lips.

"I'm going to take you somewhere nice so you'll clean your mind, okay?" He asks in a tone as if he's talking to a child - I mean, compared to him, I kinda am. Defeated, I agree and watch as he paces around the console.

About what he said; it's probably because I've been thinking a lot about my childhood lately. I don't know, I just miss there. It's not that I'm sad, either, just with a kind of nostalgia. It began when we came across saving another planet and one of the scenes gave me an immediate flashback about the place I grew up in, making it get stuck my mind.

"-(Y/n)? Dear?" The Doctor's voice and his hand waving in front of my face takes me back to reality and I look at him, humming in confusion. "We're here, dear." He smiles extending out a hand.

"Oh." I mutter, placing my hand over his and standing up. Opening the TARDIS' doors, I blink a few times, trying to see the image right - I can't believe I though about the said place so much that I'm seeing it now. The Doctor also seems confused.

"Well, this isn't 3076 for sure." He looks around in confusion, stepping out of the blue box and dragging me along. "Do you know this place, (y/n)?" His question leads me to believe my expression gave it away.

"I..." I trail off, taking my attention off of the scene to focus on answering him. "It's just where I grew up." My voice is quiet, in certain embarrassment. I'm able to feel my face heating up as I look down, fidgeting with his hand in mine lightly. - Being here gives me a sensation that I'm going to see my parents, relatives and friends in any moment or that I'll soon receive a scold from my mother for skipping school again.

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