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Anastasia's pov:

They finished up the show after a couple hours,my legs were aching and I couldn't wait to jump into Slash's arms,that was until Duff walked over to me.

"enjoy the show?"He asked casually as if nothing had happened.

"yeah."I nodded territorially "what are you up to?"I said skeptically.

"what do you mean?"He asked almost offended. "Can't I be nice to my little sister?"

"no you can't."I retorted rolling my eyes.

"The bars that way McKagan."Erin scolded him pointing away from us.

"thanks mama."Duff smirked brushing past her as Erin smiled. "Okay I hate him but I love being called mama"She awed as Axl and Slash walked over to us.

"what'd he want?"Slash whispered.

"f*ck knows."I sighed "I just wanna go to bed."

"we're on the bus tonight."Axl groaned.

"Can you hurry up and get this private jet."Erin muttered reminding Axl of his promise.

"we could've finished the album by now if somebody actually showed up to rehearsals."Izzy said with annoyance with Pam at his side.

"exactly Slash..use your illusion 1 is happening soon!"Axl said.

"you don't show up either!It always me,sometimes Duff shows up when he can actually stand up after drinking all day,Steven is on coke constantly barely knowing where he is and you two are all loved up."Izzy said with a sense of regret as he glanced at Pam.

"I'm having a baby mr invisible."Axl alerted us,much happier than he was the first time he found out.

"don't you want to care for your baby?Instead of just playing the same songs."Izzy said getting frustrated with us all.

"Izzy calm down,I quit heroine to focus on the band."Slash lied looking over at me.

"we should all quit."Axl demanded.

"I'm not saying that."Izzy sighed.

"no we should,Adler has been too lazy with his drumming for a while and it's because of all the coke."Axl said targeting him.

"well what about Duff?"Erin said. "He drinks like he didn't almost die a couple months ago."

"Well it's only alcohol we all drink."Axl defended him,there was such a double standard when it came to Steven and drugs.Anyone else could do drugs or drink  and not worry about anything but Steven was still on thin ice ever since that contract of course that hasn't stopped him,he had major withdrawals to cocaine but it was a hard addiction to get out of.Trust me,I know.

"I say we celebrate f*ckers!"Steven cheered walking over to us with Alan at his side who looked fuming.

"Absolutely not!"Alan said sternly. "Don't you think you've had enough celebrating on that stage?"Alan asked us all as if Erin and I were out there on stage too as I stepped back.

"Niven what's your problem?"Axl said confused.

"You're my problem!YOURE ALL A F*CKING PROBLEM!"Alan shouted not conscious of his surroundings as people backstage began to stare.
"Playing songs not even on the setlist,it was bad enough when Slash released the next album name without consulting me and then playing 'you could be mine' but 'Get In The Ring' seriously?Are you trying to be controversial or unpopular because this is the right way to go if you want all those magazines to hate you,calling out people,name dropping press and telling them to get in the ring?"Alan lectured them,his face began to turn pink from how fast he was talking and how little breathes he was taking as he rambled on and on.

"Yeah the whole song is about getting in the ring?"Axl joked as we all chuckled.

"It's your career,if you think this is a joke then go ahead and ruin it!"Alan tutted.

"speaking of ruining things,who the f*ck is that?"Erin said stepping forward pointing to the so called stylist standing off to the side.

"that's the stylist?"Alan said nervously he was profusely sweating and I don't think it was because he had just scolded all of the band as if they were his children.

"Stephanie?"I called out as the girl turned to me raising her eyebrows attentively.

"So it is Stephanie Seymour then?"Erin said as Nivens eyes went wide. "Why the f*ck did you hire a model to be the so called stylist for the band?"Erin said digging into him.

"I didn't."Niven denied.

"Well someone hired her."I said looking at him "...why?"I said as Niven gave out a deep breath.I waited for him to say what Erin had been saying all along.

"She was meant to be a sort of temptation for Slash."Alan admitted.

"Me?"Slash said surprised

"you f*cking hired a model to try and seduce my boyfriend!"I shouted grabbing everyone's attention as I looked over and Stephanie was long gone,nowhere to be seen.

"It wasn't like that."Niven sighed.

"How was it like then?"I said glaring at him,I was so enraged.

"It was for the best!For the band!"Alan insisted. "The whole band is reckless but you,Steven and Slash are just a recipe for disaster,always causing trouble and making my job difficult!God if you two just weren't together then the album would probably be completed and-"Alan defended himself as if it was helping him anymore.

"Don't drag me into this!"Steven said taken aback

"It's not all of our fault the album isn't finished."Slash said as he looked more furious than me as Izzy just sighed,proving his point he was making before.

"Then whose fault is it?I don't make the music.I manage you and all your stupid decisions!"Alan retorted before exhaling loudly.  "Anastasia I meant no harm but you're a distraction you two shouldn't be together..Duff said you're off limits!!"Alan exaggerated as I just stared at him blankly. "I said this from the start,but I let it slide assuming you'd break up sooner than later and we all wouldn't be keeping this secret from him."Alan stuttered as something in me snapped.

"Duff put you up to this?" I said as I barged past everyone marching straight over the that damn bar.

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