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Slash's Pov:

I watched as Anastasia stormed off from us all,I wanted to chase her but I furious with Alan as I launched at him grabbing his collar.

"what the f*ck Niven."I grunted as Alan just rolled his eyes.

"I was trying to help you Slasher,Now you better go help yourself and stop her,she's gonna cause a scene and it's going to ruin you.Duff didn't put me up to anything Duff told me the stylist was a bad idea after he was suspicious so I told him,she was here for you and maybe with someone else around you wouldn't be so bothered with Anastasia.Duff said it was a bad idea I wish I'd listened."Alan rambled on.

"go stop her,we'll deal with him."Erin said shooing me away as I ran off watching them corner Alan interrogating him.I saw Duff drunk and giddy at the bar in the back.He was practically leaning on the stool barely able to stand as I saw Anastasia approaching.

"Ana."I shouted as she tried to ignore me but I managed to grab her and drag her around the corner without to much noise,as much as she did protest for her to let me go,nobody batted an eyelid.Duff didn't even notice her hitting and punching me to get off her.I may as well of picked her up and carried her away but she wriggled out of my arms. "Just stop it!"I shouted at her as she bit her lip looking concerned."what are you doing Anastasia?"I asked her calmly.

"I'm gonna speak my minds to Duff and maybe punch him across the face again depends how I feel."She smirked.

"no you're not."I said bluntly.

"you're not gonna stop me."She retorted adamantly implying she was stronger than me (she definitely wasn't)

"Duff didn't tell Alan to do anything.Duff told him it was a bad idea."I sighed.

"He still knew!"She protested.

"Ana,He doesn't even know we're dating,what do you think running up to him and shouting at him for knowing about Alan hiring a model to pose as our stylist to try and seduce me is gonna do.You're just gonna make it worse.."I said.

"but why the f*ck would he do that?"she sobbed.
"I can't just let him get away with that."She said stubbornly.

"everyone is against us,you were right we do need to be more careful.But blaming it all on Duff,when he told Alan it was a bad idea is unfair,as much as Duff and I are on a rough patch right now,He's still my best friend,be considerate"I lectured her as he face scrunched up.

"you weren't very f*cking considerate when you decided to f*ck his sister,or ask her to be your girlfriend,or get her tattooed on you're arm or-"she continued on as I wondered how she wasn't out of breathe from how fast she was talking.

"no I wasn't but that's because of you,I shouldn't have to lie about us just because you're brother would be angry,but it's about the band,you know you've heard it all before."I said as I thought about how many times we'd had third conversation,it was the same old situation.

"fine.But Alan isn't getting away with this."She demanded.

"I left him with Erin to deal with,you're forgetting he was with Izzy and Axl too.He might as well retire at an early age."I laughed as Ana giggled as she wiped her eyes.

"this is unfair."she sniffled.

"It'll all be worth it one day."I shrugged unbothered.I was mad Alan thought he could do such a thing but I'm sure he had the bands best interest in mind,it was easy for me to see he upset Anastasia and automatically want to punch him or fire him or whatever but I'd known Alan longer than Anastasia,it'd be wrong for me to jump to conclusions when I really did believe him.The whole band would be lost without Niven,we'd be even more without Duff and f*ck knows how I'd be without Anastasia.


Anastasia's pov:

I was glad Slash managed to calm me down,I thought about how wrong or worse the situation could've went if I would've shouted at Duff especially in the state he was in as he basically got carried onto the bus.We got on the bus next to him as Alan whispered me pulling me aside as everyone else got on.I was hand in hand with Slash as he was reluctant to let me go but one look at Alan and Slash shooed me off.

"Anastasia,I wanted to apologise,I should've really thought about you and Slash and everyone else that I've upset."Alan said looking down.

"You just shouldn't have done it."I said bluntly.

"I know,and I am so sorry,it was unnecessary and unprofessional,I really just wanted this band to work,this is all I've got and you don't understand all the backlash I've been receiving as their manager considering they quit touring half way through,the feds are still investigating Nikki Sixx basically dying and now they're out there playing in front of thousands,calling out people in unreleased unapproved songs.Thats only some of the more recent things that have happened.But I'm truly sorry and I really hope we can move forward from this."Alan looked genuinely sorry,I almost felt bad but as I looked back I saw Slash,Erin,Axl,Pam,Steven and Izzy with there faces pressed against the glass from inside the bus as they watched me.I wasn't gonna let anyone make me feel like that and get away with it.

I wasn't going to argue too much with Alan.Like Slash said the band would be lost without him and I'd hate to be the reason to cause that,So I'd keep my response short and simple.I wasn't gonna forgive him,of course not,only an idiot would do that however I could hold a strong grudge.

"thanks Alan.But I don't forgive you and I never will!"I said slightly cringing at my own immaturity as I raised my hand slapping him across his face once. "That's from me."I smiled as I slapped him across the face the other way this time "and that's for all my friends who you also owe an apology too but I'm sure that'll cover it."I shrugged smiling as I looked back as they all clapped as Erin cheered as I laughed.

"I guess I do deserve that."Alan admitted holding his cheek that had turned slightly pink from my revenge.

"Well I didn't deserve any of that."I said getting onto the bus.

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