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Slash's Pov:

"what do you want."Ana said hostiley, breaking the silence as she finally looked me in the eyes.

"you."I muttered.

"too bad,you said so yourself we can't do it"She said with an annoyed tone.

"We could."I said basically pleading with her to consider it but she wasn't having it.

"Maybe you should've thought about that before you f*cked Erin's roommate"She mouthed as she turned away.

"Technically I didn't f*ck her."I said defensively.

"you were going to"She snapped back.

"Well I was until I saw you"I said as I turned her head to me.

"same difference,you seen me before the party and still went to Meegans room"She whispered back in an angry tone.

"I attempted to make an effort with you when I first saw you at the party you basically ignored me"I said back "so I gave up and was trying to get over you and Meegan was there and it was the only reason I could think to get you out of my head"I sighed.

"I didn't flirt back so you decided to f*ck someone else to get over me...but now you still want me?"She scowled back,it made more sense in my head but how she saw it was completely different,it sounded stupid as I considered maybe the whole thing was stupid and that was my bad but I was too stubborn to admit that.

"Well if anything me almost f*cking her was your fault."I said back trying you throw the blame as her eyebrows furrowed.

"I know you're not trying to blame me for YOU attempting to sleep with someone else"She exaggerated.

"you were driving me insane,with all the mixed signals,cutting things off with me on my birthday then sneaking out of the cathouse with me and laying in bed with me all morning and then you had the nerve to describe everything going on between us as a friendship! I don't want to be your f*cking friend Anastasia!"I shouted back clearly frustrated as she stayed silent,for once she had no comeback back,no snarky comment,not even her famous eye roll she just sat there silent.

"you know I really f*cking hate you"She sobbed.
"I needed you Slash,Steven was unconscious,My brother hates me,I did hard drugs for the first time in forever and everything felt too real,I was desperate for a pill or something to calm me down and imagine how hysterical I was when I found you leaned over another girl."She cried as I held her in my arms.

"f*ck Anastasia I'm sorry I didn't know.I looked for you straight after,I knew I f*cked up."I admitted tilting her chin up.

"you should go."she said sniffling as I reluctantly got up and held out my hand to help her up as she hesitated but grabbed it pulling herself up as we walked into Erin's living room.

"Slash."Erin muttered as she opened the front door for me.

"I'll see you tomorrow"I paused before walking out the door as Anastasia just stared at me blankly.


Anastasia's Pov:

"I honestly thought you were gonna have sex with him on my balcony but I'm glad you didn't take him back,you deserve better."Erin nodded as I rolled my eyes.

"what the f*ck am I going to do Erin?"I sighed.

"stay here tonight and then we can just hope we're on the same tour bus tomorrow."Erin smiled kindly,I was so grateful for her.God knows where or what id be doing without her.

"you're my saviour."I thanked her as we lay in her double bed as she stroked my hair.

"I know right..Are you okay though?"Erin said slightly concerned.

"sure.Duff can't stay mad at me forever...even though he looked really mad"I exaggerated

"Forget about Duff he's your brother he will always love you,what about Slash,What'd he have to say?"She asked

"All this about how I was giving him mixed signals and he thought it was over so he attempted to get over me..I just didn't expect him to give up on us that quick but it needed to happen,as much as it hurts me to say me and Slash are destined for failure at a relationship anyways"I admitted as I flipped onto back.


Erin and I got ready early in the morning and walked over to Duffs apartment to get my stuff,luckily Duff wasn't around and I decided I needed to scrape some money together and get a place of my own as we walked to the busstop where two your buses awaited us.

"Miss McKagan ,you're late."Alan scolded me checking his watch.

"sorry I-"I began to explain before he cut me off

"No time we have to be in Arizona for ten pm,you're on bus 2 with Duff,Kirk,Slash,Izzy and James."Alan said as Erin coughed making her presence known to Alan. "Erin,Axl is waiting for you on bus 1."He pointed.

"Actually Anastasia and I would like to be together"Erin protested.

"No time for changes,if everyone gets on now we're set to arrive on time if traffic isn't too bad.My god and I thought the rockstars were going to be the worst to manage"Alan joked as I rolled my eyes.

"I'll be fine I'll see you when we're there"I smiled hugging Erin

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