Saving Myself (Law and Order)

By LaurenLove18

25.3K 465 928

Olivia had been through a lot. she'd lost herself. Including someone really important to her.. could she save... More

Chapter 1♡
Chapter 2♡
Chapter 3♡
Chapter 4♡
Chapter 5♡
Chapter 6♡
Chapter 7♡
Chapter 8♡
Chapter 9 ♡
Chapter 10♡
Chapter 11♡
Chapter 12♡
Chapter 13♡
Chapter 14♡
Chapter 15♡
Chapter 16♡
Chapter 17♡
Chapter 19♡
Chapter 20♡
Chapter 21♡
Chapter 22♡
Chapter 23♡
Chapter 24♡
Chapter 25♡
Chapter 27♡
Chapter 28♡
Chapter 25♡
Chapter 26♡
Chapter 27♡
Chapter 31♡
Chapter 32♡
Chapter 33♡
Chapter 34♡
Chapter 35♡
Chapter 36♡
Chapter 37♡
Chapter 38♡
Chapter 39♡
Chapter 40♡
Chapter 41♡
Chapter 42♡
Chapter 43♡
Chapter 44♡
Chapter 45♡
Chapter 46♡
Chapter 47♡
Chapter 48♡
Chapter 49♡
Chapter 50♡
Chapter 51♡
Chapter 52♡
Chapter 53♡
Chapter 54♡
Chapter 55♡
Chapter 56♡
Chapter 57♡
Chapter 58♡
Chapter 59♡
Chapter 60♡
Chapter 61♡
Chapter 62♡
Chapter 63♡
Chapter 64♡
Chapter 65♡
Chapter 66♡
Chapter 67♡
Author's Note♡
Chapter 68♡
Chapter 69♡
Chapter 70♡
Chapter 71♡
Chapter 72♡
Chapter 73♡
Chapter 74♡
Chapter 75♡
Chapter 76♡
Chapter 77♡
Chapter 78♡
Chapter 79♡
Chapter 80♡
Chapter 81♡
Chapter 82♡
Chapter 83♡
Chapter 84♡
Chapter 85♡
Chapter 86♡
Chapter 87♡
Chapter 88♡
Chapter 89♡
Chapter 90♡
Chapter 91♡
Chapter 92♡
Chapter 93♡
Chapter 94♡
Chapter 95♡
Chapter 96♡
Chapter 97♡
Chapter 98♡
Chapter 99♡
Chapter 100♡
Chapter 101♡
Chapter 102♡
Chapter 103♡
Chapter 104♡
Chapter 105♡
Chapter 106♡
Chapter 107♡
Chapter 108♡
Chapter 109♡
Chapter 110♡
Chapter 111♡
Chapter 112♡
Chapter 113♡
Chapter 114♡
Chapter 115♡
Author's Note
Chapter 116♡
Chapter 117♡
Chapter 118♡
Chapter 118♡
Chapter 119♡
Chapter 120♡
Chapter 121♡
Chapter 122♡
Chapter 123♡
Chapter 124♡
Chapter 125♡
Chapter 126♡
Chapter 127♡
Chapter 128♡
Author's Note
Chapter 129♡
Chapter 130♡
Chapter 131♡
Chapter 132♡
Chapter 133♡
Chapter 134♡
Chapter 135♡
Chapter 136♡
Chapter 137♡
Chapter 138♡
Chapter 139♡
Chapter 140♡
Chapter 141♡
Chapter 142♡
Chapter 143♡
Chapter 144♡
Chapter 145♡
Chapter 146♡
Chapter 147♡
Chapter 148♡
Chapter 149♡
Chapter 150♡
Last Authour's Note!🥰

Chapter 18♡

200 6 16
By LaurenLove18

(Olivia's P.O.V)

It was peaceful in the hospital. All I needed was my little girl. I didn't need Elliot. My nightmare confirmed it. He cheated on me. With a lady called Linda. Why did I even trust him in the first place? I should of just stayed on my own. As I had some more rest, I heard the nurse talking to someone. "Yeah. She seems calm now. But, she wasn't feeling so good earlier. Great. I'll see you soon." Just taking a look at my little girl, she took my finger. "We'll be ok little one. Mommy will always protect and love you ok? Mommy just needs time." I was shattered. The love of my life just stamped on my heart and my feelings. "Liv?" Amanda and Nina had come to visit. "Hi you two." They cooed over Paige. "She's so beautiful. Look at her." They both sat down. Talking about Seth and Carisi. "Well, Seth has planned everything. He's so ready to become a dad." Amanda cuddled Paige.. she was really content. "Where's Elliot?" Sitting up, I started to cry. "Ahhhh Liv.. what's happened?"

Telling them everything, they sympathized with me. "The nightmare was awful. I'm now convinced that he'll never change. I told him to leave me alone with Paige. How am I supposed to trust him after what he did?" Nina raised her eyebrows at me. "Liv.. we know that you're defensive. You love him so much. I know what he did was wrong. You and him were not together then. But, if you need a break, we'll support you." Asking Nina more about her arrival, she said that her baby boy was already so loved. "He just wants to spoil him." How could I tell my 2 best friends that I was having nightmares? That I'd had a relapse? "She's adorable." Amanda kissed her nose. "Yes you are. Let me give you back to your mom.' As Amanda relaxed, she advised me. "I'll support you in any way. You and him were going through a bad time. Are you sure you're ok?" Touching my baby's cheek, I just cried.

'No. I'm not. I've relapsed." Nina took my hand as Amanda stroked my shoulder. 'It's ok. You're going to be fine." Showing them my scar, I just sighed. "I just want to focus on Paige." Telling them that I had to see the therapist, I sighed. "I need sleep." They both got ready to go. "We'll talk soon ok? I'll ring you tomorrow." Leaving me with the counsellor, he came to sit down. "Congratulations Olivia.' Thanking him, he sat down. "So, tell me how you're feeling." Letting tears flow, I just told him the truth. "I had a nightmare. About the woman that Elliot cheated on me with. She kept me locked up.. told me everything. That she kissed him." The counselor then wrote things down. "How did you react when you woke up?" I admitted that I was scared. "I shouted at Elliot. Told him to leave. I'd just given birth. He was so supportive. Kind. Sweet." The counsellor advised me. "You've done so well with confronting your personal demons. Elliot will understand why you acted this way. There is nothing to be ashamed of." I'm glad that the counsellor thought that. "Oo.. she's stirring." Picking up my girl, I stroked her cheek as tears fell from her eyes. "Mommy's ok.. she's going to be fine." As the counsellor left, he reminded me about the elastic band. "Don't beat yourself up about your relapse. Things will be ok."

As I held her, my phone rang. It was Barba. "Hey you. Yes, she's here now. Are you? Yeah. Come up to the ward." As I burped her, she slowly turned her head. "You are so beautiful." Seeing Barba made my evening. "Hello you." Hugging me, he stroked Jade's cheek. "It's nice to meet you." He sat down as he looked at me. "Something's up Liv. You can tell me." I knew he was going to say that.

"I just want to focus on this little one. How was work for you today then?" Yawning, he said that he was really good. "Lots of cases need defense. Anyway, enough about me. What's happened with you and Elliot?" The one thing I couldn't do was lie to him. "We've just had some troubling times. Would you like to hold her?" He sat up. Saying yes, I handed her to him. "Well aren't you a cutie?" He snuggled her as I told him more. "He cheated on me a few months ago. I had another nightmare. I screamed at him.. told him to leave. The thing is, I love him so much. He's called me lots of time since I told him to leave. "Yes.. you're adorable.' He looked up from her cute face. "Well, all I can say is that only time will tell. Obviously, he loves you. I'm not sticking up for him. What he did to you was awful. I know you. You shut people out." Jade looked comfortable with him. "I'll call him." Picking up my phone, I dialled the number. "Hi. Yes, I'm fine. Are you able to come back to the hospital?" Hearing him say yes, my heart fluttered. "Ok. I'll see you soon." Barba handed Jade back over to me. "You know that I'm right." Kissing her forehead, Barba said that he would see me soon.

As the evening rolled around, nurses came to check on me and Jade. "You should be discharged tomorrow Olivia. Jade seems very healthy.' The nurse smiled at her as she was checking her over. "Are you feeling ok?"

Saying I was feeling a bit better, I could see Elliot peep his head through. "Hi angel." He leaned in to kiss my cheek as Paige gurgled. "I'll leave you to it." Thanking the nurse, Elliot stroked our daughter's cheek as he started to speak. 'I'm sorry for everything Liv. I honestly am. You and Jade mean everything to me. You know that." As she gurgled, my heart did swell at the fact that he was bonding with her. "I had a nightmare. They happen occasionally. After the miscarriages, I couldn't see a future for us. I become scared Ell. I pushed you away.. I didn't mean to. Leaving.. I don't want that for Jade. I'm willing to attend counselling again." Elliot looked at me. His eyes were lovely. 'Olivia Benson. I love you to the moon and back." Jade let out a little squeal.

"Yeah. Daddy loves his little princess too." I promised to talk to him if I ever felt down again. As I got some food, Elliot updated me about work. "Things seem to be fine. Did you get information about Ariel?" I was that preoccupied.. I'd forgotten to find out if she could stay with us. "I'll ring soical services tomorrow." He loved his little girl so much. It was so nice to see him bonding with her. "Your bedroom is so cute Jade. Daddy actually painted it for you." Giggling at that, he asked me about the double date idea. "I've decided to just make it a single date. For Carisi and Amanda. They need this."

Elliot then looked at the time. "Are you sure you don't want me to stay?" Kissing him, I said that I would be ok until the morning. "Love you Benson." Kissing me, his hand touched mine. 'I love you too Stabler." I settled down to sleep. Hopefully, things would be better soon.


"Liv.." Elliot's hand graced my cheek. "I love you." I loved him very much too. "I can't believe that our little lady is 5 years old. She's very sassy, fun, adamant and bossy." Elliot giggled. "Just like her mommy." Laying in our bed, he cuddled me. "Will I ever get better?" He kissed me.. slowly. "Yes you will. I think you're doing very well so far babe." Just as we were about to fall asleep, Jade called me. "MOMMY! NIGHTMARE! THERE ARE MONSTERS UNDER MY BED!" My lovely, sweet and kind partner said he would go and check. "I'm coming sweetheart." Elliot raced off to her bedroom.♡

I wanted things to be ok for us.♡

(Elliot's P.O.V)

As I drove back to the apartment, I got a call. "Hi Charlie. Are you alright?" He sounded good. "Cool. Yep. Liv is coming home tomorrow. Is Mom ok?" He laughed. "Glad she's good. Shall we meet at the bar in 5? I'll be there soon. I just have to check on your niece's bedroom." Going into the apartment, I went straight upstairs. Her bedroom looked alright. Me and Olivia were going to be ok. My phone then rang again. It was Social Services. "Yeah. I'm Elliot. Yes. We can take her in for a night. I'll call my partner." As I went to meet Charlie, I texted Liv.

Got a call from Social Services. They'd like Ariel with us from tonight. We could set something up for this evening. Try not to worry babe. I'll sort it. Xxx

Getting to the bar, I hugged my brother. As we got beers, he asked about the current situation. "Liv and I talked. She's just had my baby. We are going back to counselling. I want to be there for her. I love the woman." My brother sipped his beer. "I know you do. Things are better now. Mom misses you though." Asking him about her, he stated that she wants to spend more time with us. "She knows that I'm busy. Now Jade is here, we could make more time." As Charlie's phone rang, I saw a reply from Liv.

That is great news Ell. Yeah. We can sort out a space for her tonight. Will she be at the precinct?xxx

Texting her back, I rang Cragen. "Yeah. Will Ariel be at the precinct?" He said she would be. "That's great. I'll be there." After having another beer with Charlie, I told him that I had to get off. 'See you soon bro.' As I left the bar, I made my way to the precinct. Going upstairs, I saw Cragen. 'Hi Elliot. Ariel is in my office.' Going inside, he gave me some privacy. Ariel looked a bit frightened. She had her backpack. It was purple with stars on it. 'My name is Elliot. Do you remember me?' She nodded her head. 'Well, i'm going to take you back to my house as you're staying with us.' She took out a piece of paper with a pen. As I sat quietly, she showed me the piece of paper..

Will my mom come and hurt me?

That broke my heart. Taking her hand, I promised her that was not going to happen. As we left to head to the car, she took a bracelet out. Placing it on her hand. 'What would you like to eat?' She shrugged. 'How about some tacos?' Her face lit up. Going to the best taco place, we went inside. She went to find a seat. I took out my phone. Ringing Liv, she answered. 'Hi Olivia. Yeah, i'm with her now. She's going through something. She wrote me a note asking if her mom was going to hurt her. Glad my other princess is ok. Yep. I love you too.' As I got some food, I walked back over to the table. Ariel seemed pretty quiet. She ate her food bit by bit. She was 14. This was a difficult age. 'So, what's your favourite sport?' She wrote it down. 'Ahh. Basketball. I love Soccer.'

After we had left the cafe, we made our way back to the apartment. She held on to her bag tightly. Holding the pen and her notebook. 'We have a spare bedroom that you can sleep in. It's next to my daughter's.' Making her way upstairs, she placed her bag on the bed. I had managed to quickly sort out the bedroom for her. The walls were a light white colour, her bedsheets were a light pink with white mixed in. She nodded her head in appreciation. She took out each item of clothing. Placing them on her bed. I watched her as she did it. She seemed like a nice kid. As the evening drawed in, I went to get ready for bed. 'I'll be in my bedroom Ariel.' She held on to my hand. Squeezing it.. 'I'm not leaving you. I'll be just across the hall.' She then calmed down. Leaving her bedroom door open, I went to check her case notes.

Ariel Winters

Age: 14

Sexual Assault. Mom is on drugs. Gets high often. Used to leave Ariel for days on end at their old home. Mom used to go out all hours with abusive ex boyfriend. Ariel then displayed periods of anger. Lashing out at social workers. Biting others. She barely talks. Only communicates through paper/pen. Tried to see therapists. Hasn't worked previously.. but willing to try again. Often has tendencies to be verbally aggressive.

Main Contact: Sharon Summers 078965431234

This was heart breaking. No wonder she barely spoke to me. After reading her report, I turned the bedside light off. I couldn't wait to have Liv and Paige home. Sleeping, I couldn't stop thinking about Liv. I loved her so much.

Authours note: I dedicate this chapter to DayyyFanyyy! She's been so kind to me and she's an incredible writer. I hope you love this story. Also, your comments have made me so happy!!! Thankyou x

(This is how I visualised Ariel's new bedroom in Olivia and Elliot's apartment.😊)

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