Saving Myself (Law and Order)

By LaurenLove18

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Olivia had been through a lot. she'd lost herself. Including someone really important to her.. could she save... More

Chapter 1♡
Chapter 2♡
Chapter 3♡
Chapter 4♡
Chapter 5♡
Chapter 6♡
Chapter 7♡
Chapter 8♡
Chapter 9 ♡
Chapter 10♡
Chapter 11♡
Chapter 12♡
Chapter 13♡
Chapter 14♡
Chapter 15♡
Chapter 16♡
Chapter 17♡
Chapter 18♡
Chapter 19♡
Chapter 20♡
Chapter 21♡
Chapter 22♡
Chapter 23♡
Chapter 24♡
Chapter 25♡
Chapter 27♡
Chapter 28♡
Chapter 25♡
Chapter 26♡
Chapter 27♡
Chapter 31♡
Chapter 32♡
Chapter 33♡
Chapter 34♡
Chapter 35♡
Chapter 36♡
Chapter 37♡
Chapter 38♡
Chapter 39♡
Chapter 40♡
Chapter 41♡
Chapter 42♡
Chapter 43♡
Chapter 44♡
Chapter 45♡
Chapter 46♡
Chapter 47♡
Chapter 48♡
Chapter 49♡
Chapter 50♡
Chapter 51♡
Chapter 52♡
Chapter 53♡
Chapter 54♡
Chapter 55♡
Chapter 56♡
Chapter 57♡
Chapter 58♡
Chapter 59♡
Chapter 60♡
Chapter 61♡
Chapter 62♡
Chapter 63♡
Chapter 64♡
Chapter 65♡
Chapter 66♡
Chapter 67♡
Author's Note♡
Chapter 68♡
Chapter 69♡
Chapter 70♡
Chapter 71♡
Chapter 72♡
Chapter 73♡
Chapter 74♡
Chapter 75♡
Chapter 76♡
Chapter 77♡
Chapter 78♡
Chapter 79♡
Chapter 80♡
Chapter 81♡
Chapter 82♡
Chapter 83♡
Chapter 84♡
Chapter 85♡
Chapter 86♡
Chapter 87♡
Chapter 88♡
Chapter 89♡
Chapter 90♡
Chapter 91♡
Chapter 92♡
Chapter 93♡
Chapter 94♡
Chapter 95♡
Chapter 96♡
Chapter 97♡
Chapter 98♡
Chapter 99♡
Chapter 100♡
Chapter 101♡
Chapter 102♡
Chapter 103♡
Chapter 104♡
Chapter 105♡
Chapter 106♡
Chapter 107♡
Chapter 108♡
Chapter 109♡
Chapter 110♡
Chapter 111♡
Chapter 112♡
Chapter 113♡
Chapter 114♡
Chapter 115♡
Author's Note
Chapter 116♡
Chapter 117♡
Chapter 118♡
Chapter 118♡
Chapter 119♡
Chapter 120♡
Chapter 121♡
Chapter 122♡
Chapter 123♡
Chapter 124♡
Chapter 125♡
Chapter 126♡
Chapter 127♡
Chapter 128♡
Author's Note
Chapter 130♡
Chapter 131♡
Chapter 132♡
Chapter 133♡
Chapter 134♡
Chapter 135♡
Chapter 136♡
Chapter 137♡
Chapter 138♡
Chapter 139♡
Chapter 140♡
Chapter 141♡
Chapter 142♡
Chapter 143♡
Chapter 144♡
Chapter 145♡
Chapter 146♡
Chapter 147♡
Chapter 148♡
Chapter 149♡
Chapter 150♡
Last Authour's Note!🥰

Chapter 129♡

133 2 3
By LaurenLove18

(Olivia's P.O.V)

I'd taken a quick nap. Waking up, I looked at the time. Getting some casual clothes on, I got ready for my visit at the rehab centre. "Momma?" I saw Caleb walking into our bedroom. "Hello sweet boy." He climbed up on to the bed and asked for a cuddle. "Awww baby. I love you soo much." He kissed my cheeks. "Oh.. you're becoming very clever baby boy." Cuddling him even more, I got my bag ready. "Shall we go and find your daddy and younger sister?" He nodded. Heading downstairs, we saw them watching a movie. "Hey you two. What are you watching?" Elliot kissed me. "We are watching Toy Story." Caleb babbled at Paige. As they cuddled up engrossed in the movie, Caleb sat with them. "I'll see you two later. I'm off to see your sister." Paige said to give her a hug from her. "I sure will. I'll also tell her that you miss her." Caleb said bye. "Love you buddy." He said Ari.

"Yes buddy. That's right. I'll tell her that you miss her as well." Saying bye, Elliot waved. I then made my way over there. Contacting Dodds, he said that the 10 year old was at the hospital. "We've found her Olivia." Asking him if I could pop over after my personal visit, he said that his Detective would handle it with him. "Thanks. See you soon." He also mentioned that he wanted to talk to me about something. "Oh ok." As I parked up outside the centre, I heard my phone buzz.

Please let Ari know that I love her.

Elliot xxxx

I texted him back. He really wanted to rebuild his relationship with his eldest daughter. Going inside, I saw a member of staff. "Hi. I'm here for a visit. I've come to see my daughter. Her name is Ariel Benson." The receptionist booked me in and then took me to a room. It was bright and warm. "She should be out soon." I felt nervous. As I sat up, I saw her walking towards me. "Oh sweetheart! It's so, so good to see you." She smiled at me. "Hey mom." As she took my hand, she said that she was really pleased to see me. "How has it been?" She told me everything. Even though it had only been a week, she looked a lot better. She asked me how everyone was doing. 'Allison is great. I'm sure you'll hear from Jason soon. Paige and Caleb miss you so much.' She also said that she missed Ria and her siblings as well. 'I know that you do. Your uncles and Aunties have been asking how you are too.' She told me more about her group therapy sessions as well. 'The first one went well. I admitted that I have a few issues. It was good actually.' I told her that I was proud of her. 'I love you very much.' Taking the letter out of my bag, she clasped her hands together. 'This is from your dad. I know that you two aren't exactly close right now, but he would like you to read it.' Reaching for it, I thanked her.

'I'm starting to settle in. A therapist called Deena has been having sessions with me. We are working on expressing my emotions more. She's asked me a few questions.' She stayed silent. 'The main thing is that you are getting proper help. Your dad told me to tell you that he loves you.' I felt weak. 'I just feel tired.' Hugging her, I stroked my fingers through her long brown hair. 'You're a Benson. You're my baby girl. Us girls are stronger then we think.' She loved my hugs. 'I have also been reading books as well. I think reading will go well alongside photography and art.' I agreed. 'It will do.' After chatting some more, I then said bye. 'I love you. Remember that this will be worth it.' It felt like forever.. but I was right. I then held her hand. 'Thanks Mom.' As I left, I promised her that I would call her soon. Waving bye, she smiled at me. 'I love you too Mom.' She blew me a kiss. Heading towards the car, I texted Dodds. On my way to the hospital, I saw that Nina, Amanda and Pheobe had called me. Ringing them back, they asked if Ariel was okay. "She's great. Aw, she's recovering so well. She also asked how you two were." They were really happy to hear that.

"That's great to hear Liv. I need to talk to you." Me and Amanda asked Nina what was up. "It's nothing bad. I just need date advice!" We both giggled. "Let's talk about it on Saturday.' Reaching the hospital, I said I'd update Amanda. "That's fine. See you soon." Saying bye to Nina as well, I got out of the car. Heading towards the rooms, I saw Dodds. "Hey." He hugged me. "I'm glad that you're here. She's in that room there. My detective is in there too." Going in, I saw the 10 year old sleeping on the hospital bed. A young lady was sat on a chair in the corner.

She woke up. "Hi. I'm Detective Benson." She looked at me.. "I'm Kat Tamin. My boss told that you were coming." Sitting next down to her, I asked her what had happened. "My cousin has been trafficked for 6 years. It all started when her mom and dad split up. She wanted to stay with me.. she's only 10." Seeing her eyes flutter open, Kat walked over to her. "Hey Christina. It's me." She coughed a bit. 'Where.. am I?" Kat stroked her hair. "You're in the hospital. Do you remember what happened?" She nodded. "I remember bleeding a bit." I saw a plaster on her arm.

"This is Olivia Benson. She's going to ask you a few questions. I'll be sitting here with you." As she sat next to her, I sat in front of them both. "Hi Christina. Did you know what color the car was when you were outside?" She got a piece of paper with a coloring pencil. She drew on the paper. "It.. was blue." I nodded my head. "That's good. Did you see the man that took you?" Kat squeezed her hand. Comforting her.. "No. He was wearing a mask. I think the mask was black.." Kat said that she knew that the guy was her uncle.

(Elliot's P.O.V)

The kids and I were having cuddles. Kissing them both on the cheeks, all they did was giggle. "Daddy!!! Eeeek!!!" Paige squealed at the top of her lungs. "Did you two enjoy the movie?" They both nodded. As we spent time together, I couldn't get over how much they'd both grown. Caleb was our little wild man. He was so bubbly and sweet. And Paige was our firecracker! I missed Ari too. A lot. I wonder if she'd read my letter. "You know when Mommy and I get married, we will move house. You two will be all grown up by then.' Paigey giggled. "We will be. I'll be just like my older sister." Caleb kissed my cheek. "Ouse?" I praised him. "Yes! Good boy!" Looking at the time, I saw my phone ring. It was Jason. "Hey Jason. Is everything alright?" He said no. "My dad is shouting outside. He's stood near the car. He's scaring Blake." I calmly told him to just take a few deep breaths. "I wanna get out of here.. my mom doesn't need this stress."

Getting my keys, I told Paigey to get her shoes on. Caleb played with my shoes. "Yes buddy. You and your sister need to get your shoes on." Once we did that, I wrote Olivia a little note,

Just popped out. Had a call from Jason. Urgent. See you soon. The kids are with me.💞 love you xxxxxx

Getting in the car, I strapped the kids in. Ringing Jason again, I asked him where him and Blake are. "We are in the bedroom. Please... he's smashing everything." I was around the corner. "I'm outside." Telling Paige to stay in the car, she asked if Jason and Blake were going to be ok. "They will be alright pumpkin." I slowly knocked on the front door. "WHO'S THAT?!" I heard a deep, gravely, scary voice. "Listen.. I'm Detective Stabler. Please. You have your boys in there. Open the door.' He stated that he had a weapon. 'This will not end well for your wife or children.' Seeing the door crack open, I saw him holding a knife to her neck. 'Daddy!!' Blake shouted. Jason shielded him. 'Come on man.. put the knife down.' It was so close to Allison's neck. 'You don't want to hurt her.. look at your sons. They're terrified.' I advised him to put the knife down. The gun was shaking in my hand. His dad dropped the knife. Allison hugged her boys. 'Leave or I will arrest you.' He left.. 'Thankyou Elliot.' Allison held on to Blake and Jason thanked me too. 'I'd better get going.' As I left, Paige asked me if I used my special gadget. 'No. I didn't need to.' Paigey said that Caleb fell asleep. 'Shh daddy.' I started driving home. 'How is school at the moment?' She told me all about it. 'Well, it's so fun. The class are talking about doing a family tree. Miss Haywood would like us to decorate pieces of paper.' I suggested that we could look through some photos. As I reversed the car, Paige jumped out. 'Dada.' Caleb smiled at me. 'I love you buddy.' Paige saw that Olivia was back. 'Mommy!!!' She grinned at her as she sat up on the sofa. Putting down some papers, she cuddled her. 'I've missed you too today baby.' Kissing her, she asked her what she was doing. 'I am just figuring out how to help a little girl.' Paige then told her that she could help anyone.

'You're so lovely Paige.' Caleb then walked towards her. 'Mama!' Sitting on the couch next to her, I kissed her. 'I love you.' She kissed me back. 'Daddy is babysitting tomorrow night!' Paige smiled. 'Yayyy!' As I took them upstairs for a bath, I advised her to have fun tomorrow. 'Me and the guys have everything under control.' Olivia then took my hand. 'Ari is looking and feeling better. I gave her your letter.' I leaned into her. 'That's great. I'm glad that she's ok.' Heading upstairs, we hugged each other. "momma! Splash!" Praising our boy, we got the kids undressed. Putting bubbles in there, Elliot helped washed Caleb as I washed Paige's hair. "So are you and the ladies planning to head out for the whole night?" Well, he had a point. "We'll see where the fun takes us. "That means Daddy will make us pancakes for breakfast bro!" Paige high fived Caleb. "Er no.." Paige nodded. "Er yes Mommy!" She was so sassy!

After both of them had their bath, we dried them. Caleb was very wriggly! Every time my sweet, lovely man tried to put on his diaper, he'd wriggle away from him. "Dada! Dada!!!" We giggled at him. "Mommy, when you go out with our aunties, will you take lots of pictures?" I nodded. "Your phone is ringing babe." As Paige did her hair, I answered it. "Hey Pheobe. Uh huh. Uh huh! Please don't freak out. Ahh ok. That's not the best thing for me to say. Anyway, I've got news! Our girl's night out is on for tomorrow night!"

Pheobe squealed. She then went to mass text the ladies as I cuddled my two babies. "Would you two like a story and some milk before bedtime?" Caleb flapped his arms up and down. "Yes please Daddy." Heading downstairs with them both, I found a story in Paige's bedroom.

Caleb was playing a little game with Paige which involved her giving him kisses if he clapped his hands 5 times. "1. 2. 3. 4. 5.!" Yay baby bro!" She kissed his cheeks. Getting the milk out of the fridge, I poured some into a cup for Paige and I poured the rest into a beaker for Caleb. Letting it cool down, Ariel ran on my mind.

"Dad.. Why would he do that to me?" Ariel had a bad day today. She'd begged me to pick her up from school early. She'd had a disagreement with Brett. That stupid idiot was getting on my last nerve. How dare he hurt my daughter like this.. As we reached back home, she slammed the car door. Heading inside, she ran upstairs. Calling Liv, I told her everything. "She's not ok. Do you have the name of the counsellor?" Ariel had temptations and they weren't good.. "Ok. I'll call her. Love you too. See you soon."

Calling Claire, I heard Ariel crying. "WHY? HE'S SO STUPID! ERGUH!!!" "Hey Clare. I just needed some advice on what to do with Ariel. She's not in the best mood." Claire then asked me a few questions. "No. We hide all the sharp knifes. And we check her bedside draw daily.' Heading upstairs, Clare asked me what Ariel was doing.. "She's ripping up some paper.' She turned to look at me. Her eyes looked swollen.. her cheeks were red. "Who's.. on...the phone?" I said it was Clare. "You are such a snitch! Get out of my way now!" I blocked the way. "Elliot.. if you do that, she will find a way to get around you." Taking a deep breath, I listened to Claire's advice. Ariel giggled.. "She's right. Let me go past now." I tried my hardest to reason Ari. "Honey, please. Just tell me how you're feeling." She huffed. Stepping aside, I asked her where she was going. "I'm just going out for some fresh air." After finishing the phonecall, I went outside into our garden.. she was sat on the bench. Kneeling down to her level, I remembered that she was a surviour of trauma. I couldn't set her off.. if that happened, she'd be off like a shot.

"Just let me know what's going on inside that head of yours kiddo." She burst into tears. "I really, really liked him you know. He was the first guy who actually paid attention to me. I feel like I'm nothing. I just wanted to be in a mormal relationship. But no, Charley had to get invloved and he had to like her instead!" She scratched her arm. She became really frustrated. Hitting me... she was lashing out. "Ariel! Ariel! Listen.. it's me. It's your father. She completely broke down. "I'm here... sweetheart. I'll always be here. Feeling her hands touch my hands, she asked if she could have some milk. "Just a glass of milk?" She nodded.. slowly lifting her head up. Heading indoors, I made her a glass of milk. She got a paper towel as her arm was bleeding. Heading back over to the couch, I placed the glass on the table. "I'd like some of my stuff." I took her hand. "Ariel. Me and your mom are trying to help you. Do you feel like you need to get high right now?" She pushed the glass away..

We sat in pure silence...

She continued to hurt her own skin. Her arm was red raw by the time she'd finished. "Ariel.. stop." She sobbed again. "Please don't abandon me Dad. Please don't leave me. I feel like Brett abandoned me when he disagreed with me."

I promised her that I would never leave her. "I'll always protect you, Paige and Caleb."

End of flashback....

Author's Note:

The girls night/babysitting evening with the guys will be in the next chapter!!!

Lauren xxx

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