7. The Song Game

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I read this back and it's an actual piece of shit, I'm sorry you got this instead of something good

This was just floating around, finished but unpublished, so here u go

Published: 25th February 2021

Edited: 8th January 2023, I don't know why I edited this lmao

Word count: 377 omg

You and Bucky played a game that annoyed the hell out of everyone else

It was called The Song Game

Wow, creative

You and your childhood friends used to play this game, now you've introduced it to Bucky and you're both obsessed with it

Basically what it is, it's when someone is talking and they say a word that is in a song that you know, you sing the song

As loud as you can

The goal is to annoy as many people as possible

There were even times when you would be in the other room to someone and you do it

It would normally end when someone *cough* Sam *cough* throws something at you, like a pillow, or...a dictionary-

An example of this game is when Steve was telling Natasha all about the time he had to lift something extremely heavy to save someone back in the Battle of New York, but unfortunately, you and Bucky were both there

"Yeah, she was surrounded by rubble of the building and the heavy metal-"

"BROKE MY *BANG BANG* HEART" you yelled at the same time

Let's just say that after that, you both left the room with bruises

There was another time- the worst one you ever did

Bucky wasn't even there to join in, either

He had been snapped along with half of all living things

You did it right when it happened as well, but instead of shouting it, you whispered it

"What happened?" Thor asked as his eyes were fixed to the spot where you were kneeling over Bucky's ashes, tears swiftly falling onto them

"He... He turned to dust" said Steve

"... Or to gold, but you will remember me. Remember me for Centuries" you whispered softly, knowing that that would be the last ever time you would do it, because now, well... Your best friend had been turned to ash and you would never see him again

Or would you?

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