128. Taken

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Word Count: 1160

You were currently in bed, wrapped up in Bucky's arms after a long mission went wrong- the pair of you almost died as you were both spotted trying to gain information on a stealth mission

He deemed himself incredibly lucky and grateful that he was still able to hold you again, as he got knocked out by an agent during the mission, causing you to somehow drag him back to the Quinjet

Obviously, he doesn't remember this as he was unconscious, but you actually got shot and didn't tell him about it- when you got back to the tower, you went straight to Bruce to see if your life was in danger

Once he told you that you would be fine, but he had to get the bullet out of you, you let out a sigh of relief and he got to work straight away

When he finished the job, you thanked him for everything and went home, where you met back up with Bucky, and that's where you were now

You didn't even have time to check if Bucky had any injuries, as you knew he would've told you to do exactly what you did

You were now looking at his face and examined it, seeing that there was a bruise along his cheekbone and a cut on his lip - nothing serious

He was asleep, but his arms were firmly around you

They got even tighter when you saw his eyebrows furrow a bit and his eyes open to meet yours

"Bucky? What's wrong?" You asked, oblivious to anything happening around you

He didn't reply- instead he looked over your head behind you, then behind himself, and finally towards the closed door, growing more and more confused every time he didn't see anything

"Are you okay?" You asked, now concerned that something was off

He replied immediately, his voice heavy with sleep and confusion "Can you smell that?"

If you thought what I know you did, you are a CHILD-

You panicked slightly- you couldn't smell anything, but he was a super soldier and his senses were heightened

Fear started to build in you as you felt yourself becoming really sleepy all of a sudden, even though you were bearly tired

"Bucky, I feel really weird" you managed to get out before closing your eyes

"I know, me too, doll" he said, only realizing afterwards that you had already passed out

He also just realised another thing- you were being gassed, but he didn't know who by or why

He was about to move to stand up, but the gas became almost strong enough to knock him out for a second time that day, but he managed to pull himself together and struggled to walk towards a window you had in the room

It took a lot of effort for him to open it (he almost considered smashing but with his left hand), but when he did get it open, the gas started to escape the room, and he started to feel slightly less woozy, as he took a breath of fresh air from outside

Now he just had to hope you would be okay, but he didn't know what to do, so he walked to the other side of the room and opened the other window, before returning to you and kissing your forehead

He had no idea how the gas even got in there, as the door and the windows were closed, but it was times like these that he was glad he was a super soldier

As soon as he pulled away from your forehead, he heard a sound from outside the door, so he looked at the door as he walked towards it slowly

He reached out for the handle, but before the opened the door, he looked back at you, making sure you were okay

He took a shaky breath, inhaling a small amount of gas still present in the room, ran his metal hand through his messy hair, and opened the door

He came face to face with an empty corridor

"What?" he whispered as he looked around and saw no one, his confusion growing

Although he didn't see anyone, he got shoved into the wall opposite him, his head being forced into it so he couldn't move

Then, something really painful happened - he got pinned to the wall by a blade through his back

Luckily, it missed his spine, but Bucky let out a loud shout of pain that caught the attention of everyone else in the tower

Still not seeing anyone, he now felt the force on his head disappearing, so he tried his best to look behind him, blood starting to seep out of his mouth and the feeling of weakness passed through him again

He looked at the bed he was just in to look at you

But you were gone


When you eventually woke up again, your head was pounding, and you could see red and black lines across your eyesight that pulsed with your heartbeat

You went to rub your head with your hand, but you soon found out that you couldn't move

You looked down and saw that you had rope wrapped around your waist, shoulders, thighs, ankles and wrists and you were trapped uncomfortably in a chair

And Bucky wasn't anywhere to be seen

Neither was Steve, Tony, Natasha, or any other of the Avengers, making you panic a lot

You didn't even remember what happened - you just remembered Bucky's concerned face as he looked around

And that's what you did now- you looked around to see where the fucking hell you were

Then, as if on cue, a spotlight came on directly in front of you, and in the light, there sat a man

An ominous and sinister looking man with a tatty clipboard

He was examining you carefully, and you felt his threatening eyes burn into different parts of your body

Once he finished looking you over, he held up a little red book with a black star on the front cover and spoke flatly "Do you know what this is?"

Of course, you knew exactly what that was, but you acted dumb "I don't know, your diary?"

At your response, he leaned forward and stared into your soul, making you extremely uncomfortable "You know exactly what this is and what's inside, and I need something from you"

You furrowed your eyebrows and tried not to panic even more, thankful that you didn't call out Bucky's name when you were looking around "What do you want?" You asked, acting innocent

The man leaned even further forward and spoke clearly in a harsh and loud voice that managed to pierce your skull

"I need you to tell me everything you know... " he started, but paused to hold up the little red book again

"About The Winter Soldier"

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now