150. Shot In The Dark

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Before we begin, I just want to say something important

Do you like my writing?

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Course you do!

Go ahead and follow our joined account, Caps_Mighty_Skittles

Also, follow _skittles107_ if you haven't already lmao

Ty, now, on with the story :))

This is a song fic with the song Shot in the Dark by Ozzy Osbourne (Above)

I love this song and I thought it gives off serious Bucky vibes, so here you go :))

I'll make the lyrics in bold italics for you so they're easier to see

The normal italics at the start are to show the past :)

Thanks Skittles, even though I fully didn't understand you advice at all lmao don't kill me ily

Word Count: 1715

Out on the street, I'm stalking the night

As he crept down corridors, blending in to the shadows, he watched you carefully, waiting for the order to kill you

His focus was strong, and his orders were simple - "Kill the target"

The trigger of his gun was pressed far, but it never went any further, confusing him as to why he couldn't fire it

I can hear my heavy breathing

His breathing was heavy and loud, as the mask clutching to his face made it a bit difficult to breathe, but also because of who his target was

His eyebrows furrowed and he looked over the gun to see if there was a problem with it, but he only discovered that the problem was with him

Paid for the kill but it doesn't seem right

He stared at you through the scope on his weapon, but he felt like he shouldn't be doing this, not to you

He didn't even know who you were, but he felt that you were important to him, like you actually meant something to him

And you did, you meant everything to him, but he didn't know why

Something there I can believe in

The Winter Soldier started to believe that he shouldn't kill you, yet he had no idea why, something inside of him was stopping him from pulling the trigger when he was told

This had never happened to him before, so he was beyond confused, but he was also slightly scared, as he wasn't following orders

He then heard something that scared him further

Voices are calling from inside my head

Different voices in his head were haunting him - his own voice shouting "Don't you dare pull that trigger", his superiors saying "Finish the mission"

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now