170. Gift

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If you don't celebrate Christmas, happy 25th December :))

Thanks, Skittles, ily b

Word Count: 1402

Being an Avenger had its perks, but one of your favourite ones was being able to date Bucky Barnes

Every year, the two of you would decorate the entire house you had with him

Both of you loved Christmas more than anything... Well, apart from each other

Bucky loved you so much that he had a little surprise for you, which he knew would be quite a surprise, as you had both agreed not to get each other anything

Bucky didn't understand why you didn't want him to get you anything, but he went along with it anyways, as he knew where had something already planned

You were in the middle of decorating the tree, as Bucky was stood on a chair next to you while putting the lights up, all while the fire behind you was crackling and keeping both of you warm

You then looked up at him and saw that he was in joggers, a hoodie, and a T-shirt, a santa hat, and the curly end of a candy cane was sticking out of his mouth

"Look at you, the spirit of Christmas" you laughed, feeling warm inside as he looked back at you

"I do bring utter joy to everyone" he joked with a monotone voice, but soon broke into a wide, goofy smile "How does this look?"

"Like a work of art" you replied, not even looking at what he had done, making him look at it and say "Really? It's not finished yet, I still have to-"

You then cut him off as you asked loudly "Oh, you were talking about the lights?"

From this, he froze and you could tell his face went red, even though he was facing away from you, as he rubbed the back of his neck with his metal hand and muttered "Shut up"

This made you laugh again, as you continued what you were doing, not noticing that he glanced at the clock above the fire and took a deep, shaky breath

He set himself a certain time to do it, because if he missed it, he knew he would never talk himself into doing it again, so he stepped down from the chair, gaining your attention again

"I thought you said you haven't finished yet?" You asked, holding a bauble up, ready to put on the tree

But, he just nodded and now seemed really nervous, as he kissed your forehead and said "I did. I, uhh... I-I just gotta go get something to help me"

You nodded, but when he left the room, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion from his stuttering, and you wondered if he was okay, but you didn't follow him- he said he was coming back, so you just waited patiently for him, but it did confuse you as to why you heard him going up the stairs

As he was making his way to the bedroom the two of you shared, he put his head in his hands and breathed heavily, and as he shut the door behind him, he leaned on it, pulled his hat off and ran both hands through his hair, messing it up even more

He took a deep breath to try and calm himself, before walking forwards and opening a draw next to his side of the bed

When he saw the little, wrapped box sitting neatly, he smiled and reached in to get it "Come on, James. It'll be a Christmas miracle if you can get your words out, never mind her saying yes"

He wanted more than ever to open the box and look at the ring inside, but he had wrapped it up - it was a present after all

Then, he panicked when he heard your voice shout upstairs to see if he was okay, so he gently placed the little box inside of his hoodie pocket and answered with a shaky voice "Y-Yeah, I'm coming back now"

After he replied, he shook his head and tried to get ahold of himself

He must've cracked every bone in his body before he finally felt ready, so he threw the candy cane in his mouth away and put his hat back on his head, making it slightly crooked because he is incapable of wearing a hat straight

He flew down the stairs, almost falling flat on his face, and when you saw him again, he looked incredibly nervous, and when you didn't see him holding anything, you were even more confused

"What did you get? Are you okay?" You asked, emptying your hands as he came closer to you

He then took your hands, but got the little present out, so he was able to transfer it into one of your hands, as he kissed you gently, despite not being under the mistletoe

You felt the box and you were a bit confused, but when he pulled away and let go of your hands, you looked down at it and your heart fluttered

The sight of it made you cock your head to the side, as you furrowed your eyebrows further "I thought we agreed... " You trailed off, seeing his smile grow

He just shrugged and said softly "I wanted to surprise you"

The softness of his voice made you smile, as you looked down at the little box in your hand, as you unwrapped it

Throughout the unwrapping, he didn't look at the box once, and his eyes were focused on your face, because... Well, there was nothing else he'd rather rook at, especially now

When you saw that it was a ring box, you looked back up at him, and he had a heartwarming smile plastered on his face, as you started to realise what was going on

"Open it, Doll" he whispered, stepping ever so closer to you

And so, with slightly shaky hands, you opened the box and were met with a gorgeous engagement ring

Bucky's face lit up when he saw yours do the same "Oh my God. James, I... " You started, but didn't know how to finish, so he chuckled and said "I guess this means I don't have to ask the question, but I will anyways"

That was when you looked back up at him, and he placed his hands on either side of your face, just under your jawline before he started to speak

"I've already told and shown you just how madly in love with you I am, so I won't waste any more time. I'm glad you didn't get me anything this year, because you're the only gift I need. Y/N, will you marry me?" he asked while looking deep into your eyes, making your heart pound in your chest

He looked so happy, and you hadn't even answered him yet, which showed his confidence in your answer

You shed a tear before nodding and breathing out "Yes. Yes I will, of course I will. I love you"

He then held a goofy, but heartwarming smile, before he leaned forwards and the two of you kissed passionately, yet softly, as the two of you realised you both would die happy, knowing you had each other

When the kiss was broken, Bucky still had the same expression, and after he kissed your forehead, he took he box from your hand and slipped the ring onto your finger, before wrapping his own metal ring finger around yours, while whispering "I love you too"

From that, you smiled widely at him, unraveled your fingers, and flung your arms around his neck, making him wrap his own around your waist, as you pulled each other impossibly closer

You held him so tight you were surprised he didn't suffocate, as you cried into his shoulder, before you heard him chuckle and say "Merry Christmas, Y/N"

You then brought your head back up to look at him, before replying "Merry Christmas, James"

With that, you connected your foreheads together, as both of you felt fuzzy, warm and lighthearted, and your hearts felt full

Then, the two of you stood there, in each other's arms, in a half decorated room

As the fire still crackled, you were both safe in the knowledge that this was the best Christmas ever

All because Bucky had given you the best gift ever


Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now