147. Their Little Soldier

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⚠️Okay, so this is a fic where Bucky gets raped

I understand fully if you can't read this or don't want to- please just skip it

I don't want to make any one uncomfortable or feel triggered by anything, so please do just skip over this part if you have to

If you've stayed to read it, just like the one I did about attempted suicide, I don't want anyone making jokes or anything on this one, because this is so traumatic and serious

Like in that one, I won't be making any jokes either

This is a request, but I don't want anyone to attack or harass the person who requested it, because it is a story they wanted, and this tragedy happens daily all around us

It's terrifying, but it's true

I also think this fic is important to publish, as it shows that not only women and girls fall victim to rape - men and boys can be raped too, and it's important that people learn that, and I think this fic might help with that

Thank you for understanding, and thank you for skipping this part if you have to⚠️

Requested by: jbarnes23
(Please leave them alone)

I feel like this is WAYYYYYYYY too long, and I apologize if it's tedious to read

I'm also not sure I like the ending ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Word Count: 4507

Loud bangs echoed through the bars of cell doors, as his heavy footsteps carried him to his destination

Rumlow looked left and right at the assets he passed, and when he saw that they were getting exactly what they deserved, he smiled to himself, reminiscing about the last time he saw his soldier

That's where he was headed now, to the Winter Soldier's cell

He had a little job for him, and if he did it right, he would be... Rewarded

As he laughed to himself about this thought, he arrived at the cell door, and opened it as loud as possible to scare his little soldier

This poor little soldier was sat on the cold, hard floor, his back towards the door, and his mask clutching to his face like a muzzle

There was a bowl of water on the floor next to him to drink out of like a dog, but because he wasn't allowed to remove his mask, it served no purpose but temptation

But this little soldier knew if he took that mask off, he would get worse than what he got last night, even though he didn't think it was possible

As soon as he heard the door open, his entire body tensed up, as he knew that the little peace and freedom he got was now over for the day

He didn't even turn around to look at the man who just entered, as he knew he would be turned around anyway

He was right, Rumlow came towards him and dragged him upwards by his metal arm, as he guided him to a place that was all too familiar to him

He memorized every brick in the wall, every crack in the floor, and every blood stain on the concrete of this journey

As he saw the chair he was destined for, Rumlow grabbed his hair and ragged his head back by pulling down on his hair

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now