158. Kiss

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I was so happy, and also a little surprised, to see that I didn't already have a fic with this title lmao

Thanks Skittles ily bb

Word Count: 1140

As your boyfriend, Bucky was allowed to kiss you whenever he liked, wherever he liked, however he liked, and you would always kiss him back

You loved every type of kiss you got from him - from the short, shy pecks that would leave him blushing furiously, to the long, heated make out sessions that would escalate quickly

Anyways, whenever he came to you for one, you would give him it, and today was no different

No, that's a lie, it was a little different

Because you were a little shit


All day Bucky had been looking forward to seeing you again, and you had only just got back to the tower from a risky Hydra mission that he wasn't allowed to go on

For... Obvious reasons...

Anyways soon as he saw you walk through the door, his face lit up and he stood up quickly from his seat in the living room

He made eye contact with you, and a smile spread across each of your faces, as you almost sprinted towards each other

Immediately, you knew he was going to try and kiss you, and normally, you would lean towards him for it, but this time, you just stayed where you were

"Hey, Doll" he said, wrapping his arms around your waist, as you draped yours over his shoulders

"Hi, Buck" you smiled, watching him lean in quickly, indicating that he was going for a quick kiss

Your smile turned into a playful, evil smirk, as you turned your head to the side when he was close enough to you

He didn't realise this, so he ended up kissing your cheek, and he stayed there for a second to think about why you weren't kissing him back, as his eyes were shut too

You laughed, and he pulled back with a pout "Why?" he asked, making you laugh again and turn your head back to him

With a shrug, you said "You missed", making him narrow his eyes and go in for another try

However, you just did the same thing, but this time, you laughed almost immediately, making him pull back with a sigh

You continued laughing as he raised an eyebrow at you

As you were laughing, he thought it was the perfect opportunity to try again, so he quickly leant forward

Of course, you saw him do this, so once again, you made him kiss your cheek, which annoyed him slightly

"Y/N" was all he said, but the tone of it made it seem like a warning, as his eyebrows furrowed and you felt slightly scared

"What?" You asked, playing the innocent card and imagining a halo appearing above your head

His eyes flicked down to your lips as he replied, making you smirk "Stop being a little shit and let me kiss you"

Not possible-

But, you just shrugged again as you removed your arms from his shoulders, folded them across your chest, and made eye contact with him "Its not my fault you keep missing. Keep trying?"

He let out a frustrated sigh as he held you by your upper arms just below your shoulders and leant in again, this time with his eyes open for longer

As soon as they closed though, instead of turning your head to the side, you ducked so he kissed your forehead, making him look down at you, and you could see how irritated he had gotten

You raised yourself back up and tried to have a confused look on your face, as you asked him "Is there a problem?"

He nodded, and out of frustration, he moved both of his hands from your arms to either side of your neck, just under your ears, keeping your head in place

This meant that you couldn't move anymore as you shivered from the cold of his metal hand

You swallowed nervously from your boyfriend's actions as he maintained eye contact with you

The look on his face now made you regret everything bad you've ever done, as it scared you to your very soul

"I don't know, is there a problem?" he asked, cracking his neck to the side and trying not to smirk

"I-I'm sorry-" you began, but he just placed a metal finger over your mouth, silencing you "Shhhhh"

At this, you shook your head, as he hooked his metal fingers under your chin and stroked your lips lightly with his thumb

This made you feel butterflies in the pit of your stomach before he returned his hand to its original position on the side of your neck

When he knew he had you securely in his grip, he leaned in for the fifth time, and you couldn't get away

He surprised you with so much passion, that you wished you had let him kiss you the first time, because holy fuck

wItH pAsSiOn-

As you were shoving your tongues down each other throats, you couldn't help but moan out quietly, which he of course heard

You heard him smile in the kiss, as he removed his normal hand from the side of your neck, and slid it slowly down your body to your waist, where he pulled you close to him

When your body was flat against his, you navigated your hands up to his hair, and he proceeded to gently bite your lip and tug it backwards, allowing you both to get another breath before it snapped back into place

You tugged at his hair slightly, making him smile again and break the kiss, only to lick his lips seductively before kissing you again

This drove you insane, and during the kiss, you furrowed your eyebrows in concentration, your heads moving to opposite sides

After around 5 minutes of making out with him, you broke away from him again, as you breathed out "Fucking hell, Bucky"

He just smirked and licked his now swollen bottom lip again, before raising his eyebrows in expectancy

You cleared your throat as both of you tried to get your breath back "That was... Good" you said, a blush creeping into your cheeks

Because you had been a little shit earlier, he decided to be one now, so his smirk grew and he leaned forward, but guided his lips to your ear

He whispered in low voice "That was fantastic", which sent a shiver down your spine and made the butterflies in your stomach to get more intense, before turning around and walking away from you

Well, he tried to get away, but he only managed to get a few steps away from you before you tackled him to the ground and kissed the everloving fuck out of him

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now