54. The Morning After

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Time for a shorter one :)

Word Count: 679

After fucking you so mind blowingly hard, Bucky had actually managed to wear himself out

You could tell this, because when you woke up, you were laying naked against an equally naked, long haired super soldier

Well, you weren't really laying against him, it was more like he was snuggled up to you and wrapped up in your arms

One of your hands was entwined with Bucky's, making you remember the night before, where he pinned your hands above your head so you couldn't do anything

You watched as this peaceful figure's chest slowly moved up and down with his gentle breathing

It's funny how someone so dominant can be so soft

As your mind was filling up with all the things this soft man did to you the night before, you rubbed his knuckles with your thumbs, feeling the roughness of his skin

He never told you this, but you put his mind as test - you managed to put a messed up, controlled and stolen mind at rest

That was why he was able to sleep so comfortably with you- he knows you were there when he fell asleep, so he knew he had nothing to worry about

Your whole body was aching and you knew it was because you were still craving his touch, and as more and more memories invaded your head, you realised that Bucky always had you after him, even after he's just fucked you senseless

You smiled and moved the hair out of his face so you could see him fully, and so you could see the corners of his mouth slightly angled upwards

You hoped that he was dreaming of you, but your thoughts were settled, as he rolled his hips into your leg and moaned your name- obviously the events of the previous night had followed him to his sleep

As he did this, his hand subconsciously made its way around your neck, squeezing lightly

That was when you had to wake him up, as much as you enjoyed it - he could accidentally squeeze too hard and he wouldn't know

"Bucky" you tried not to moan out from his hand as you ran yours through his hair and shook the hand you were holding in order to wake him up

He groaned a bit and curled up further into you "What, Y/N?" he mumbled, his voice low and gravelly, almost killing you

"Your hand" you breathed out, now gaining his full attention, but when he saw where it was, he just took it off you and brought his arm into his chest "Sorry"

You laughed slightly and kissed his forehead before deciding to tease him "What were you dreaming about, Buck?" You asked innocently, fully aware of his thoughts

"You and how you're such a good fucking girl for me" he said, a smirk appearing on his sleepy face, although you couldn't see it

You didn't not expect this to come out of his mouth at ALL, so your face went red and you started stuttering, searching for a reply

At this, Bucky let out a low, sleepy chuckle that would've made you weak in the knees if you were standing

Then, he decided to look at you, but when he did, he looked happier than he ever has- his pupils were dilated with actual sleep and rest present in his eyes, his hair was all over the place, his lips were slightly darker than usual, due to you hungrily kissing him, his cheeks were redder, and his whole body gave off a positive feel

This made your heart warm up, and you couldn't help but kiss him again, but not passionately like earlier, just softly and slowly

He kissed back immediately, and you felt Bucky smile into it as he held your hand tighter, apparently now more alert, awake, and aware of the scene he was in

Once you broke apart, he looked at you with a smile on his face for about a minute before speaking again

"Morning, Y/N"

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now