59. Attention

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This is based on a true story that happened to me earlier, except I wasn't in Y/N's position in this

I was in Bucky's...

The part where it was me is from when Y/N and Bucky kick a bottle cap between them to the end, except that I didn't kiss my friend lmao (but I did put my hand around her neck like he does 💀)

I was waiting at the bus stop with my friend for her bus after school and I snapped

No wonder my friends all say I'm a top-

Word Count: 1100

The sound of cars quickly going past filled your ears as you had your arm wrapped around Bucky's, who had his hands in his pockets, walking by your side towards a bus stop

When you got there, he looked up to the little screen to see the times and when your bus would arrive - 30 minutes

He then sighed and stroked the back of your head, kissing your forehead "We gotta wait ages, doll"

You then wrapped your arms around his tighter and rested your head on his shoulder

"Wanna go sit down?" he asked, motioning to the bench inside the stop

You shook your head and curled up more into him as he leaned his back against the glass of the bus stop

When only 5 minutes had passed, you were bored out of your own mind, so you decided to unravel yourself from him and you started to look for this bus, even though you still had a while left

The two of you ended up kicking a bottle cap between each other for a good 10 minutes afterwards, which left only 15 minutes to go

Unfortunately, your fun ended when you accidentally kicked it too far and it went onto the road, immediately getting driven over, making him lean against the wall opposite the bus stop

"Well done" he said, mocking you "Where's this fucking bus?"

You could tell that he was starting to get agitated and frustrated and everyone around you were all thinking the same thing

So, you decided to be a little shit by aggravating him even further

You starting by poking him every 5 second story around two minutes, but he seemed unfazed by this, so you made your poking quicker

It was now a poke every second, and it worked more than your last attempt

It worked so well that it made him glance down at you without turning his head as he gave you a look that said "You'd better stop"

This made you stop for a bit before continuing to annoy him, but this time, you were poking him with both hands

He sighed heavily, knowing that you were bored and allowed you to do this for around 5 minutes, but when you were still doing it after that amount of time, he was really annoyed

"Y/N... " he warned you, but you ignored this and said "Give me attention"

He rolled his eyes and kept looking out for this bus, which amused you, so you kept going

The poking got faster and you whined his name like a child- "Buckyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"

"What, Y/N" he said bluntly, clearly very agitated at this point

"I said give me attention" you repeated yourself

"I heard you" he replied through gritted teeth

You had to try your best not to break out laughing and we're seriously contemplating whether or not to start recording his reaction

You were having fun, but as you're about to find out, annoying an angry super soldier isn't really the best idea

That was when you got the idea to teach everyone around you how to spell

You spelled out his name, and with each letter, he got a poke

"J-A-M-E-S" you poked him with your left hand

"B-U-C-H-A-N-A-N" you poked him with your right hand

"B-A-R-N-E-S" you switched back to your left hand and poked him with it

With every word, you sped up your poking, and shortened his temper

He turned his entire body to you as he looked at you again "What do you want" he said, more commanding than questioning

"God, I've told you three times now, Bucky. I want attention" you smirked

But, that smirk quickly vanished as he held up his own hands and laced then together, but had his fingers sticking up on one hand

But, that smirk quickly vanished as he held up his own hands and laced then together, but had his fingers sticking up on one hand

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"Fine. Do this with your hands"

"Why?" You asked, wanting to know what he was going to do

"Just do it, it'll be fun" he persuaded you

As soon as you did this, he slipped his left hand on top of your closed one and had a firm grip on it, making you unable to undo your hands

He then quickly walked you backwards into the bus stop, cracking the glass of it when your back hit it, startling everyone

It was now his turn to smirk as his other hand flew right up to your neck, squeezing gently and deadass making you moan quietly so only he could hear

He looked around and made sure everyone was watching before kissing you passionately and roughly

After another 5 minutes, you broke away from him the best you could and said "Bucky, people are looking" you were out of breath and as red as a tomato

"You wanted attention-" he tightened his hand hand around your neck slightly "-You're getting it" He practically growled at you and brought his head closer to you

You swallowed in arousal, but also in nervousness - you didn't know what he might do in front of these people, because as he has quite clearly established, he doesn't give a shit

"This-this isn't the kind of attention I meant" you managed to get out in between kisses

"Well, that's your fault for not specifying, doll" he said, smirking, more calm than he was before

As he continued to kiss you, more and more people were looking at you and Bucky, some with amusement, some with anger and disgust, but some just like, didn't care in the slightest- they probably didn't even notice you making out with a metal-armed Avenger against a bus stop

This went on for the remainder of time that the bus was supposed to get there in, but because bus times are so fucking unreliable, it got there earlier than it said it would, making you almost end up missing your only bus home

All because you decided to get attention from a super soldier

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