173. You're Okay

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Okay, so this is based off a dream I had recently, but I can't quite remember most of it

The parts I do remember I've put into this fic

I obviously had the dream for a different reason, but my reaction to it was the same

Please don't think I'm weird for this lmao

"I can't feel you" - Wanda Maximoff

You'll understand why I said that when you read this ^^

Thanks Skittles

Word Count: 1603

It's been a week since the love of your life died, and all you could do was think about him

The metal armed super soldier invaded your dreams, distracted you on missions, and filled your mind

All he tried to do when he was alive was make you happy, but now that he was gone, he was just making you sad, and it wasn't his fault at all

Of course it wasn't- you weren't going to blame a dead man for your hurt

You weren't blaming yourself either, you were blaming the thing that killed him - an explosion

He was on the 20th floor of a building during a mission, you were all told it would blow at any minute, and to get your asses out

All of you knew how high up Bucky was, and he was the last one still in the building before it collapsed from an explosion, with shouts of Bucky's name coming from every Avenger on the mission, including you- you were tearing your voice apart and he didn't even hear it

All you heard through the comms was the chaotic sound of rubble falling, but worst of all? You could hear Bucky

You heard his desperate struggles and deep breaths, he was absolutely terrified, and you could tell he was trying to say something, as he knew his earpiece was on, but you actually heard him get hit in the head by something, silencing his voice

Immediately after it fell and you were told it was safe to go near it, you sprinted towards the rubble, and it took all of you 5 hours to find him

He was still alive, but on the fine line between life and death - his breaths were shallow and he hardly moved a muscle

You all knew it was too late to save him, but you tried anyways

You didn't even know what his last words were, because all he could manage to do was look at you and smile weakly

He died in your arms, his eyes still open and looking at you, haunting you, even after you closed them

Here you were now, laying on your back in an empty bed, a blank expression on your face

Your heart had shattered a week ago, and it hadn't even begun to repair itself - you didn't think it could ever be mended

Although the two of you weren't married before he died, it sure did feel like you were, as you were both so attached to each other

You stared up at the ceiling, memories of your boyfriend laughing, smiling, crying and shouting swirling around your mind like a carousel

You smiled at the happy memories, but also at the sad ones, as you knew they eventually ended well... Well, not all of them

Not a day went by when you didn't think about him and the day he died, and this affected your dreams

Especially the one you would have this night

As your mind swam through the sea of memories that brought smiles to your face and tears to your eyes, your eyelids slowly came to a close on their own, the weight of them now dragging them down

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now