6. Binini

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Writing prompt at top

I'm sorry for all the insults that the two of you call each other, but I wrote this in the way that me and my friends talk to each other because I thought it would be easier

Published: 29th November 2020

Edited: 8th January 2023... lmao why did I edit this

Word count: 1180

You were sat on the soft sheets of your bed with your laptop screen lighting up your exhausted face

Next to you was a notepad that had all of the paperwork written down that you had to complete for Nick Fury - you had to report on how the latest mission went and if there was any casualties, what went wrong, what went right, blah blah blah

It was so boring you felt like you were going to fall asleep right there on your bed

So you did

The next morning, your laptop wasn't in the same place you left it - you expected it to be still sat on your lap with a dead battery, but instead, it was plugged in to charge on your very messy desk across from you

You opened your eyes only to be greeted by bright, blue ones and a huge grin

"What if 'banana' was written with different vowels?" was the first thing you heard that day, and you were very confused

"Uhh, what?" You replied, still trying to wake up from your much needed sleep

You yawned as he repeated his question and answered "Because that's stupid, Bucky"

You and Bucky were very good friends and these kinds of conversations weren't uncommon between the two of you

"You always give me that answer, Y/N, can't you ever just give me a sensible answer?"

"Ask me a sensible question, dipshit" you back-chatted with a smirk

He pouted and sat next to you on your bed as you sat up and scooted over to make room for him

"What exactly do you mean by 'different vowels'?" You asked him, going back to the topic

"The fuck do you think I mean, dumbass? I mean like if it was written with O's, it would be 'Bonono' or if it was written with E's, it would be-"

"Benene" you finished and you both let out a laugh at the sounds of these words you were creating

"Binini sorta sounds like-" he started, but cut himself off and he paused for like a solid 3 seconds - you could practically SEE the lightbulb shine in his head

A smile slowly spread across his face as he darted out of your bedroom without another word

You chuckled to yourself as you shook your head lightly, your best friend was mad, but so were you so you couldn't really say anything- just last week you had a competition to see who could jump out of the highest tree without breaking your legs

Of course, this was a tie as 1. You both had both of your legs and they weren't broken and 2. Steve put an end to this before either of you could actually hurt yourselves

You swore that Steve was just babysitting you and Bucky half of the time, but you weren't  complaining, as you knew Bucky would be dead without him

Anyways, you decided to get up and follow him, but not before you had a quick look at your notepad again, which was now on the nightstand beside you

It had a little picture of a banana and the word "banana" written about 8 times over with all the vowels except I, which you guessed is why he had a sudden idea of what it sounded like

It also had a little sentence at the bottom which read "Wake up you asshole" but badly crossed out, which made you laugh- you and Bucky were always insulting each other, it was kind of your way of showing your love for each other

My God, I just described my relationship with my friends lmao

You stood up and could already hear the sound of him hitting something against the counter in the kitchen, you were curious so you ran into the kitchen like he did

He was smacking a baguette against the counter with his left hand and, for some reason, was cutting up another one

"You ain't in France, Buck"

Sorry if that was racist, I just thought it was funny cos the baguette and yeah

He turned to look at you and threw the one in his metal arm at you, only for it to hit you in the head

"Bucky, this is rock hard- it's stale" you said, rubbing your head and picking the bread up from the ground

"Yeah, why don't you think I'm using it, dumbass" he laughed

"Well, have you checked the date on that one?" You asked, a tiny bit concerned

"Wha- of course I have! I'm not an idiot!" he replied, turning his full body to you

You sniggered and said "You sure?" under your breath

He glared at you and you threw the out of date baguette in the bin

"Could you cut those up whilst I cut this up, please?" he asked when pointing to (you guessed it)... Bananas

A wave of confusion passed over you and he noticed your expression "Please, Y/N, it'll be worth it in the end" he promised with a grin

How could you say no to that smile?

As confused as you were, you got to work on peeling and cutting the bananas that were left on the side next to Bucky

You had a brilliant idea to-

"Don't even think about leaving the skins on the floor for me to slip on" he said, not even turning his head to you- he knew you too well

'Damn' you thought- there goes your fun

Eventually, you were both finished- he even managed to get his bread into the oven without burning himself (he didn't even realise that he could use his left arm to do that)

You still hadn't a clue why he put bread in an oven or why you had to cut up bananas

Every time you asked, he would just say "You'll see"

As soon as he heard the ding of the oven or whatever sound it makes, I don't fucking know, he sprang up to his feet and marched to it

He got out his toast-baguette thing and opened it up, and to your horror, he got your beautifully cut up fruit and placed it inside of it

He then put it on a plate and brought it into you

He stood in front of you, trying not to laugh and simply said


He looked like he was on the edge of bursting out laughing as he looked at your face

"I'm not trying to be rude, but what the fuck" was your response

"I have no fucking idea how to make a panini, but I put love and affection into this monstrosity, so bon appetit, bitch"

You really did wonder why you put up with him sometimes

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now