80. Dream

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Another one where one where you has a dream, but the roles are reversed

I don't think I ended this that well, but I'll just see what you guys think

There's also a question at the end that I want you guys to answer :)

Word Count: 2104

Bucky couldn't sleep at all that night

He was laying in his bed with his eyes wide open and struggling to close them for long

Every time he tossed and turned to his other side, it would wake him up even more

He just couldn't get comfy, or even tired, so that's when he decided that he should go for a bit of a walk around the tower to force himself to get himself tired

A frustrated sigh left the super soldier as he sat up, swung his legs off the edge of the bed and cracked his right knuckles loudly

He pushed himself up off his bed with the hell of the hidden bed springs and was off down the corridor

Because he was a certain that he wasn't going to meet anyone on his little adventure at this time of night, he didn't bother to put a shirt on

But, this meant that he was now aware of his freezing cold dog tags rattling against his chest as he walked

He groaned as he made it to the living room, and was just about to take them off and put them in his pocket, before he noticed someone layed on the sofa

Cautiously, he approached them, as he didn't know who it was or if they were asleep or not

When he finally got around the sofa, he relaxed significantly

It was only you laying there asleep in an awkward position that Bucky knew would hurt when you woke up

Especially your neck, as it was bent at almost a 90°angle so that your chin was resting on your chest

Bucky raised his eyebrows in amusement at the sight of you, but quickly ran back into the corridor and into his room

With his dog tags clinking, he grabbed a pillow from his bed as well as his duvet and ran back to you with them, smiling when he saw that you hadn't moved

He then awkwardly held you and pulled you further up the sofa so that he could place the pillow under your head and you would actually rest on it

When he was certain that your head was supported so that your neck wouldn't hurt later, he grabbed two ends of his duvet and wafted it out so that it would fall gently over you, covering your whole body

It was hanging off the side of the sofa and over the back of it, so he tucked you in and just prayed that you didn't roll off the side

He had to admit, he thought you looked adorable wrapped up in his bed cover, but that's also when another thought hit him

'Wait. Why the fuck didn't you go into Y/N's room for her cover and pillow, you idiot?'

He honestly didn't know the answer to his own question, so he just smiled at you again and went into the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee, completely forgetting that he was trying to make himself want to go to sleep

In the middle of making it, he felt something vibrate against his leg, making him dive into his poket and finding his phone

He furrowed his eyebrows, because he could've sworn that he took it out a few hours ago and out it on charge

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now