49. Fluffyyyyyy Pt. 2

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Guys omg I'm actually dying over this and I don't wanna sound like I'm self obsessed and vain or owt, but this is so fucking adorable omg I'm actually gonna cry and I'm the one who wrote it-

Please tell me about any mistakes in this pls I beg

Word Count: 1022

You knew that feeling of wanting to be with him forever would always stay with you no matter what happened

Bucky must've felt it too, as he started thinking deeply about something, but never took his eyes off you

Then a soft, angelic smile that was capable of melting the sun appeared on his face, as he once again cupped your face with both hands

The amount of love, joy, adoration and hope that burst out of his eyes almost killed you, as they were sparkling from the tears that were falling earlier

"Y/N, there's so much I want to say to you, but there isn't enough time in the universe to finish, and I know how much you love a happy ending" he said while absentmindedly tilting his head to the side

"You'd better say it quickly, then" you laughed and lightly brushed your nose against his,

"You're adorable, Y/N. But I want to make this moment last" he said whilst looking deep into your eyes

You didn't say anything and he took that opportunity to speak again "Going back to happy endings, will you allow me to make the ending of your story to be a happy one?"

Your eyes widened slightly as they darted between his "W-what..." You whispered softly, already understanding what he was asking, but you just had to be sure

He let out a small laugh that was like music to your ears before answering you

"I was gonna wait until a more romantic and appropriate time to do this, but doing it here and now after 6 years of being together just feels.... Right- nothing fancy or whatever, just me and you in this room, together"

"Bucky, I-" you started, but he luckily cut you off- you didn't know what you were going to say anyways

"Please, let me finish" he said, making you nod and letting him continue

Before he did, though, he held your hands with his and kept looking into your eyes

"Have you ever heard that quote, 'Life had broken her; just as it had broken him. But when they got together, their pieces became whole. And they continued on their journey, together, mended as one'? I think it describes us perfectly, because when I'm with you, I feel like nothing can touch me. I feel so incredibly safe and secure with you and I just, I don't know what I would do without you. And I-I guess that everything feels better with you by my side. When... When I thought that I could never feel happiness again, you came along and proved me so, so wrong by showing me that if you find the right person, they can make all your worries go away. That's exactly what you do with me. Whenever I come to you for anything, you make me feel a million times better. It's funny, but whenever I see you, I see the rest of my life in front of my eyes. I also think to myself 'One day, I'm gonna marry you' And look at me now, asking for that to happen. Basically, I wanna annoy you forever, because I'm yours, no refunds. When I first met you, I didn't think you would be this important to me, and now, I don't ever wanna let you go. Every day I fall more in love with you like it's a fairytale, and most of those end well, so I'm hoping that this one does too. Fairytales are traditionally made up stories, but I promise you, the love I feel for you is the realest thing in the universe. They also often have a happy ending, I don't have a ring or anything because I was planning to do this at a different time, but will you make ours the happiest one ever and marry me?"

Once he finished speaking, tears were pouring down your face, butterflies were flying mad in your stomach and your heart was exploding

You wanted to answer, but you couldn't - you were too overwhelmed by what he just said that all you managed to get out were incoherent letters

This made him chuckle a bit, but he waited until you calmed down for an answer, yet he was actually dying inside the longer you left it

"Bucky" you said, linking your ring finger around his "Of course I will"

He had never been more relieved, but before kissing you, he wiped the happy tears from your face

Then, you kissed so passionately with so much love that even he was surprised you didn't run out of breath

It was at that moment that it just dawned on the pair of you that you were actually going to get married lmao

You broke the kiss and looked at him with a massive smile on your face "So... We're- we're gonna get married?!" You almost shouted - you were too excited, but Bucky was exactly the same

"Yeah" he breathed out quickly, matching your excitement before you flung your arms tightly around him and easily hugged him, as you were sat in his lap, which he obviously returned

"I'm the luckiest girl in the world" you said into his shoulder

"And I'm the luckiest guy"

It didn't even matter that he didn't have a ring to give you - you didn't need one to show how much you loved one another. As long as you both still have a heart, the other will always have a special place deep within it, safe from any harm. What the two of you had was special and a relationship as strong as yours was extremely difficult to come by, and as the pair of you find out in the future, life is good when you spend it with people who make your heart happy

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