117. Argument

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For madelyn787

This kind reader has said it's okay for me to do this one in several parts, so stay tuned for part 2- you get the naughties in it lmao

You're also kind of a toxic prick in this one, but hey ho

I'm sorry for all the insults :)

Word Count: 1174

You and Bucky would try to avoid arguing as much as possible, as both of you hated being mad at the other, but this time, both of you had to try your best not to kill the other


You had seen him spending a lot of time with a lot of women lately, and you wanted to know why

When you asked him, he got confused and furrowed his eyebrows "What?"

"Who are those women you are always around?" You asked again, annoyed that you had to repeat the question, as you folded your arms and looked down at him- he was sat peacefully at his desk in his room when you came bursting in

"Y/N, what are you-" he asked, spinning on his chair to you, genuine concern and confusion filling him even more, but you cut him off before he could finish

"Don't act like you're innocent. You know exactly what I mean" you said, making him stand up, which intimidated you a little bit, as he towered over you

But, what you didn't know, was that he was innocent, and fully didn't know what you were talking about

"Doll, I don't-" he tried, but you interrupted him again, getting more and more agitated with him

As he tried to speak, he was reaching out to put his left hand on your shoulder, but when you stepped back, he thought it was because you were scared of the metal attached to him

You didn't want him to touch you after what you thought he's done

"All those SHIELD agents, I see you walk up to them every day with a smile, and I see how you make them blush and laugh" you spoke, getting in his face, making him push you gently backwards, but once you felt his hand on you, you did it for him "Don't touch me, Barnes"

He immediately replied with a raised voice "Don't get in my fucking face, then"

Bucky was now starting to get pissed off, and he didn't finish speaking "I had to speak to them, because-"

You interrupted him once again, which only increased his annoyance with you "Why? Hmm? Is it because you're looking for someone else? Is it because I'm not good enough for you? Is it because-" this time, he cut you off

"Maybe if you'd stop being a whiny little fuckwit and let me finish a fucking sentence, you'd get an answer" he shouted loudly, startling you a bit

He normally hated insulting you like that, but at that moment, he didn't care in the slightest

You knew how aggressive he could be, and you also knew that he can't control his anger sometimes, so you had to be careful around him now

Or y'know... Not

"Go on, then. Tell me this answer- lie right to your girlfriend's face" you shouted, stepping away from him again, still with your arms folded

"Okay, do you know how massive SHIELD is? Do you know how many women work here? It's impossible to not see at least 20 a day, and-" he started to explain, but you tried to interrupt him again

This pissed him off so much, that he just started shouting over the top of what you were shouting, making this whole scene even louder, and disrupting every other Avenger in the building

"That still doesn't explain why you speak to-"

"-They are the people who fill me in with information about missions, because Steve takes 6 years to explain things-"

"-A bit like you"

"Because you're making it difficult-"

"-At least I'm not cheating on you, dumbass"

At your last comment, both of you went silent, as Bucky started to understand why you were so annoyed, but he wasn't going to stop arguing with you until his side of the story was heard

He laughed a little bit in disbelief before he spoke again, much quieter this time "You think I'd do that to you? After everything we've-"

"Yes, James, I do" you immediately replied, still shouting your lungs out at him

"Y/N" he began, in a normal voice "I would never cheat on you, because I-"

Guess what? Cut off again

"Because you what, James? Because you love me? Because you trust me?" You said, taking a dangerous step closer to him

"And because I give a damn about you" he shouted the loudest he has that argument, which made his voice go raspy

If you hadn't kept insisting on not letting him finish a sentence, he probably wouldn't be as pissed off as he was right now

"Then act like it" you said, again getting in his face

He absolutely hated it when people did this to him, and you weren't an exception to this, so he forcefully shoved you back this time, making you stumble

"Wow, that seemed like you loved me" you yelled at him after you steadied yourself, sarcasm filling the sentence

This pushed him over the edge, as he turned around and reached for the door handle to his own room as he replied "Y'know what? Fine. I'm obviously in the wrong here for doing my fucking job, so I'll take my lying ass away from your thick skull"

When he finished speaking, he had almost ripped the door off its hinges, and walked out of it, abandoning his own bedroom to get away from you and onto the corridor, where you chased him and saw him walking away, so you shouted after him

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" You asked, transferring this argument to the corridor

He didn't stop walking as he replied "Away from your annoying ass"

This just made you more angry, so you repeated your question "Where are you going, you cocky son of a bitch?"

"To someone who isn't an insane asshole"

"I'm not the asshole who's insane, at least I can count without becoming jittery at certain numbers" you almost screamed this, as he was now quite far away

This unnecessary comment made him stop walking, and to stop himself from attacking you, he clenched his jaw, created fists with his hands, closed his eyes and took a deep breath

He couldn't believe you said something like that to him, but he knew it was going to happen sooner or later

Bucky turned his head and looked over his right shoulder at you, before shooting once again "Fuck off, Y/N"

You rolled your eyes and walked further into the corridor behind him"You're such an immature and arrogant little bastard, James"

"And you're an irritating and brainless little bitch, who always talks shit and thinks she's right about everything"

With that final comment, he was out of your sight

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now