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Some guys are so fucking stupid I stg-

Word Count: 1284

A peaceful walk home, that's all you wanted

But unfortunately, there are some people that will ruin your day for their own benefit

After a long, hard day of doing nothing and being bored all day at your job (you didn't even know what you did), the last thing you wanted was to be catcalled loudly by a bunch of dickheads

Unfortunately, that's exactly what happened


You had just stepped out of the building you worked at, and was about to put in your ear buds, but a sudden shout startled you, so you jolted slightly before turning your head to the other side of the street, only for your eyes to meet those of an asshat

There were three guys on the other side, two of them eyeing you like a piece of meat, and the third was behind them, just minding his own business

"Hey, gorgeous, where ya goin'?" one of the guys shouted at you, attracting the attention of the guy behind

This had happened to you too many times, so you just ignored them and tried to speed up slightly, but you never stopped looking at them, just in case they tried to follow you

But, to your terror, when you sped up, so did all 3 guys

"No need to run, darlin'" the second guy shouted, scaring you more, but you never stopped power walking home

You did look at them, though, expecting to see eyes mentally undressing you

Instead, your eyes met those of the third guy

He had shoulder length, brown hair, and never took his left hand out of his pocket, but he was also looking at you with concern, so you tried to telepathically ask him for help

Luckily for you, he understood immediately, so he put a fake smile on his face and waved at you, while shouting a random girl's name

You sighed in relief, as he was helping you by pretending to know you

"Laura? Hey, Laura!" he yelled, waving at you and crossing the street quickly to come to your rescue

My name was supposed to be Laura, so that's the explanation for the name-

"Oh my God, Sebastian? I haven't seen you in ages!" You played along, also creating a wide, fake smile

I know what I did

It was fair to say that the guys were intimidated by your mystery hero, so once they saw him wrap his arm protectively around your shoulders, they retreated, but this man had to make sure you were safe

When he did put his arm around you, it felt extremely strong and protective, and it made you blush a bit

So, you walked with him to another street that you recognised, before he let go of you and stepped back to not make you uncomfortable

Before speaking to you though, he looked around, and once he made sure that you were safe here, he smiled again, but this time, it was a real smile "Are you okay?" he asked, still concerned for you

"Yes. Thank you, Sir" you replied, noticing how bright and blue his eyes were

"Call me Bucky" he chuckled, making you smile back at him and reply "Thank you, Bucky"

"You're welcome, ma'am. Glad to know you're okay" he nodded, reminding you of Captain America

This was the last thing he said before he flashed you a cute smile and turned to walk away

Before he got too far away, you quickly and awkwardly lunged forward and grabbed a very, very hard wrist, making him stop moving and look at you "Are you okay?" he asked for the second time

"Y/N" you blurted out, confusing him slightly, as he turned his full body towards you again

"Huh?" he asked, tilting his head to the side and furrowing his eyebrows

"My name... It's Y/N" you expanded on your comment, and he immediately smiled and looked down at the ground with a laugh

"Nice to meet you, Y/N, not Laura" he put his right hand out for you to shake

"Nice to meet you, Bucky, not Sebastian" you matched his expression and shook his hand, the pair of you feeling a spark as soon as your hands touched

Then, he asked a question that freaked you out slightly "Where are you heading, Doll?"

You thought he had just got you away from this, and you were debating whether to make a run for it or not, but luckily, he noticed your conflict, and tried to convince you that he wouldn't do what the other guys did

"Oh- shit, I scared you. I, um... Just wanting to make sure you get there safely, you know how it is around here" he stuttered, allowing you to laugh and relax slightly

"Oh, just back home" you gestured in the direction you had to go, and Bucky's eyes explored the distance

"So, uhh... " he started, still looking away

"Sooooooo?" You replied, starting to feel awkward, as you explored every part of his face with your eyes

"Do you-" he tried to speak again, but he had to clear his throat before he continued "Do you want me to walk you home or do you want to be left alone?"

You thought it was sweet that he was trying to not make you uncomfortable, so you stepped forward and placed your hand on his left shoulder, feeling the same hardness you felt in his wrist

"I wanna be left alone, that's why I want you to come with me" you smiled, trying to calm him slightly

At this comment, he nodded and returned the smile "Oh, okay. Good. Great. Okay, let's get going?"

You loved how awkward he was, but you nodded this time and told him to try and relax

As you walked with your new friend, you noticed how the guys that would normally shout something at you through the streets took one look at Bucky and retreated, making you feel so much safer with him

You got to know each other pretty well, as you walked slowly so you could spend as much time with him as possible, because he could defend himself and protect you, as you learned he was an Avenger

Unfortunately, your time with Bucky was up, as you stopped outside of your small little house

You nodded your head to the side as you now stood opposite each other "Well, this is me. Unless you wanna come in for a coffee or something?"

He looked like a coffee kinda guy

As a response, he laughed and looked at the ground before looking back up and speaking "Only if you're comfortable with inviting a random guy off the street into your home, Doll"

You loved this name he gave you, and it made your smile and your blush grow as you tried not to stutter "You saved me and we've become friends, I think you're past random now, Bucky" you finished with a laugh

"I-In that case, I'd be honored to join you, Y-Y/N" he said, still very nervous and awkward, so to calm him down, you grabbed his left hand, which you now knew was metal, and you put your other hand on his face

You spoke with a reassuring smile "Just relax, Bucky. I don't bite"

The two of you laughed and you saw Bucky try to relax for the second time that night, and you lead him inside your house

You were happy that he found you, because you made quite a hot friend out of it, and you now knew that you could go somewhere in public without being afraid

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now