97. Christmas- DW

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Okay, so

I've decided to take the fics from my Harry Potter and Doctor Who books to improve them and transform them into Bucky fics, because right now, they're just sat there, haunting me lmao

So, from now on, if you see a "HP" or a "DW" in the title of a story, that's the book it's from if I've recycled it, just like this one

I hope this is okay

(If you see any words like "I" or "Doctor" in here where they shouldn't be, please ignore them lmao)

This fic was originally called "Cute" in its previous book

Get ready for a loooooooooooooooooot of blushing in this one

Also, happy late Christmas :)

Word Count: 2173

It was Christmas Eve night and Bucky thought it would've been nice to just have a calm day today- instead of almost getting yourselves killed when out on a ridiculously difficult mission, so he had a word with Fury and told him that he wanted to spend Christmas with you

It was a Christmas miracle that he listened to him and agreed, and both of you were shocked with his decision, but didn't complain at all

The super soldier thought long and hard about where to take you, but then he remembered a place that was very special to the pair of you

It was a small cafe near where you met for the very first time, you always went on dates with him there, he had confessed his love to you there, and it was where he was planning to propose to you, but he obviously hadn't told you that, and he wasn't quite ready to ask you to marry him just yet

Anyways, the two of you walked there, hand in hand, with the snow crunching beneath your feet

You didn't say anything to him as you walked - you were too busy enjoying and admiring the beautiful view of winter, as well as wondering how something as plain as snow could bring joy to so many people, like yourself

You must've been lost in thought, as you didn't realise that Bucky had said your name about 5 times before he brought you back to reality

"Hmm? What? Are you okay?" You said, your warm breath forming a small cloud in front of you

"I-I was gonna ask the same to you, doll" Bucky stuttered, holding your hand tighter and gaining a concerned expression

"Oh" you replied and stopped walking, making him stop too as he furrowed his eyebrows

You grabbed the scarf he was wearing, and pulled it, so he came down to your level, and kissed him quickly on the lips "I'm just perfect"

He went very red before stuttering again "Y-yeah... Yeah you are" as he continued to walk with you

This made you laugh at your corny boyfriend, just as you both reached the entrance to the small cafe

The amount of stuttering he did though concerned you, but you didn't bring it up- he might just be cold

As soon as both of you stepped inside, all heads turned to look at you

You both were recognised immediately as Avengers, but Bucky was also being recognised as the Winter Soldier

This means that people weren't just glaring at him, but they were also judging you for being with him

It was a good job that neither of you cared what people thought of you right then

Bucky lead you forward to a table, smiling back at the glaring people, making you laugh and sit down opposite him, only letting go of his hand to take your gloves off

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now