14. Toy Story

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So I watched Toy Story yesterday, fight me, and I noticed some similarities between Bucky and Buzz Lightyear, so then this fanfic was born :)


Also, Steve isn't Bucky's best friend in this, you are :)

Published: 16th January 2021

Edited: 6th January 2023

Word Count: 1247

You were just sat on a chair in the kitchen of the Avengers Tower, being bored out of your own mind

In the mornings, Bucky would normally humour you by saying a quote from a movie or a TV show he watched recently

At first, you found it weird, but it eventually grew on you and you found it really fun to guess what he had watched, and it brought the two of you closer

And that's exactly what he did today

You were sat drumming your fingers on the table in front of you with one hand, when the other was wrapped around a warm cup of coffee that said "Due to unfortunate circumstances, I am awake" on the front

You were about to give up waiting for your best friend and go watch TV, but he stopped you in your tracks and said with finger guns "You're my favourite deputy"

He smiled at you and chuckled at your reaction, as it surprised him a bit

The mug in your hand almost ended up shattered on the floor as your eyes went wide

You slammed your cup back down on the table and looked at him as though he had just kissed you

"What's the matter, Y/N? Is there a snake in your boot?" he sniggered

You grabbed his arm and dragged him over to the living room

You walked him to the sofa and shoved him down on it, whilst you walked to the TV and put the disc of Toy Story into the DVD player, but now I realise you could've just used Disney+ so now you're doing that instead

Bucky was very confused at this point, but he went along with it

You then went back over to the sofa he was on and you snuggled into him, feeling him stiffen quite a lot and put his arm awkwardly around you

A small, excited laugh left you as you stared at the screen in front of you

"I love this movie and always will do, but now, I have someone to watch it with" you said and Bucky smiled sweetly at you, even though you didn't see it

He absolutely adored you and wanted more than anything to pick you up and kiss the living daylights out of you, but you were his best friend and he didn't want to ruin everything

So he just sat there and watched the movie with you, occasionally kissing your head, making the both of you smile to yourselves

By the time he fully relaxed and accepted the fact that the person he had a major crush on was snuggled up to him, it was about half way through the movie

It was the scene where Buzz Lightyear tries to prove to himself that he isn't just a toy, and tries to fly out of the window, but falls in mid air and lands on the stairs below, losing his left arm in the process

"Y'know what, Buck" you said after a long silence

He hummed in response and looked at you curiously

"Buzz kinda reminds me of you" you said, earning a look of confusion from the man next to you

"I mean, first of all, he fell and lost his left arm" you continued

He smirked and said "If the next point is that both of our names begin with a B, I'm leaving"

"You wouldn't dare" you mocked offense

"Aah, you're right" he replied, laughing "And I guess that another similarity is that after he lost his arm, he lost his mind and was saved by his best friend" he nudged you

"Yeah, you're welcome, by the way" you laughed together

Bucky turned his head back to the TV as you came up with another similarity between the super soldier and the toy space ranger

"Also, you were the last one to join us, like Buzz was the last to join all of the other toys. Then, he became Andy's favourite... " You trailed off

"Well, I don't think I'm anyone's favourite, do you?" he scoffed and looked at his left arm

"Y-you're my favourite... " You muttered so quietly, you didn't think he heard you

But of course, he did

His head slowly turned back to you as if he was in shock, and he looked into your eyes like he loved you, which of course he did but you didn't know that, so basically he just looked at you

The love you saw in his eyes and small smile now showed you that he liked you as more than a best friend

You completely forgot about your movie, now and were totally focused on Bucky

The piercing blue of his eyes, the way his brown hair framed his always tired face, the sharpness of his jawline, everything was perfection- why had it taken you this long to notice?

You felt yourself absentmindedly look at his lips for more time than was necessary

A hand was softly placed on your cheek, knowing who's it was, you melted into it instantly, but it traveled down your face and brushed the thumb over your lips, smoothly hooking the rest of his fingers under your chin to raise your head up to properly look at him

You watched him lean in closer to you, as you both simultaneously closed your eyes, but he only ghosted his lips over yours and kissed you extremely lightly

You then kissed him properly, but softly

The kiss was so slow that it felt like it would never end, neither of you wanted it to, either

Butterflies were flying madly around your stomach as you could almost feel Bucky's heart racing and he was shaking slightly

He moved his hand from your chin and placed it back into your cheek

You realised that he wasn't even daring to touch you with his metal arm, so you broke the incredible kiss and looked him straight in the eye

He, obviously, was panicking with your reaction "Did I do something wrong?" he asked, nervously

"Yeah, you didn't use this" you answered and reached out to his metal arm

You entwined your fingers with his and he instinctively brought the two hands up to his face, turned them around and kissed the back of your hand, not breaking eye contact with you

You giggled slightly and be smiled, the both of you leaning in to kiss each other again, only to be interrupted by a voice behind the two of you

Bucky panicked and pulled back and hid your still entwined hands away from the new person in the room as you turned your head to look at the (surprisingly) still playing movie

"What're you two watching? Toy Story? Isn't that a kid's movie?" Clint said, somehow not realizing what you and Bucky had just been doing

"Shut up, Barton, we all know that you watch Brave in your spare time" Bucky said, while looking at the archer

"Yeah, well, Clint is a child" you replied

Bucky nodded and Clint went red, and decided to leave the two of you alone "Bye, Merida!" You yelled after him

You looked back at Bucky and said "Now, where were we"

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now