15. Revenge

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I'm sorry for everything said in this, please know that I would never write, say or do anything to hurt anyone and if you are genuinely hurt by this, I am deeply and very truly sorry

If anyone wants someone to talk to about anything, I'm always here for you, even though I may not help, I will try my best and even though I'm only 17 and not trained to do this, I will still try my very best

I'm 17 now ^^

I love you all 3000

~Poppy :)

Sorry to any Jack's out there

Published: 15th January

Edited: 16th January 2023

Word Count: 1993

You told no one about what you had to go through

You asked no one for help, but there was always those who were concerned when you came to the Avengers facility bruised and broken

All of your superhero friends were all worried and scared for you, especially the man with the metal arm

You had started a romance with Bucky that the other man didn't know about, but if he did, you were certain he would kill you

Bucky wanted to know everything that went on in that house you weren't allowed to leave, but you always shrugged him off and said that everything was okay

Everytime you did leave, however, you would come back to a beating that would end up with a hand tightly around your throat as you lay on the cold, wooden floor, being forced into unconsciousness

You wished desperately for death every time you heard his footsteps storm to you as you mentally prepared yourself for the pain that was to come

All you thought about was Bucky, he was the best thing in your life and you hoped that the best would get rid of the worst

You were wrong... Well, for now

Footsteps Bucky strangle Bucky slap Bucky punch Bucky shove Bucky pound Bucky? drag BUCKY

You wanted more than anything to just collapse in his arms, but this man in front of you...

He was evil and basically the opposite of your Bucky

Instead of healing your wounds, he would make them worse

Instead of helping you with mental problems, he told you you were pathetic and to get over it

Instead of telling you he loved you, he told you you were worthless

Instead of checking if you had any injuries, he would leave you there on the floor in a pool of your own tears and blood and told you to clean it up

Instead of waiting for your consent, he would ram straight into you, not caring if he hurt you

Unlike Bucky

There was a point in all of this violence that you fought back, but this made his aggressiveness only strengthen

In his eyes, you were his to control and to do whatever he wanted to, and he did

Up until now

You had just gotten into the building when you were about to shout his name to see if he was in and to see if you could escape

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now