12. Embarrassing

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Look, no annoying intro at the start- wait, I guess this is one, isn't it? Eh well

Published: 30th December 2020

Edited: 16th January 2023

Wordus Countus: 1232

Embarrassing each other in public was yours and Bucky's favourite thing to do, but it was normally him who would embarrass you

You tried your best, but he would always come out victorious

One time you were in a meeting, and it was the worst one you were ever in, all because of your mischievous boyfriend

You thought you turned your phone off before you walked into the room of about 30 people you didn't know, so you kept it in your pocket

The meeting went on for about 20 minutes before you got scared by the sound of your own phone going off, making everyone's heads whip around to you

The worst bit was that your ringtone was of someone moaning,  a bit like Sherlock's when he got texted by Irene Adler, but much longer, much more seductive and much more vocal

Your face went red as you recognized the moaning instantly

It was fucking Bucky's

He took time out of his life to record himself moaning and setting it as your ringtone, just to embarrass you, and make you a little turned on

It was so loud that you started to panic and fumble around in your pocket to get it, which took you about 5 minutes, and then you had to apologize to the other 29 people in the room and answer the phone

"What?" You said, trying not to sound like you want to murder your boyfriend

It just so happens that you heard his voice from the other end "Do you like your ringtone?" You could practically hear his smirk

"You're a little shit, y'know that, right, Barnes?" You said quietly, to not draw any more attention to yourself

"Oh, I do" he laughed out

"What do you want?" You snapped back at him

"To fuck you" with his answer, you paused to comprehend it

"I'll be home in 5" you said with no hesitation

You joined the table once again and yelled "So, peasants, I'm off to fuck a super soldier and I won't be coming back, and yes, that was Bucky Barnes moaning, and yes, that is the guy I'm off to Pound Town with, so TATA"

With that, you quit your job and probably got a lot of speeding tickets on your way home

Another time he managed to embarrass you was when you were all on a mission and you didn't realise that everyone's comms were on, as this was a rare action

You were fighting a very big Hydra agent, and you managed to get out the phrase "Hang on, big guy... Let me just... " you had to pause as you struggled to get air "Let me get my breath back"

You didn't know that everyone on the team heard you and the exchange between you and Bucky that was to come

The words that came out of his mouth as a response made you die a little inside

"That's not what you said last night, Doll"

You could hear Clint, Natasha, Sam and Tony all burst out laughing, while Steve yelled at him and all the rest were all smirking and saying in their heads 'I knew it' along with several "Oh my fucking God" 's from Stephen

"BUCKY!" Both you and the other super soldier screamed, while Clint almost fell out of his tree he was hiding in

"Fuck you, Barnes" you muttered, now aware that everyone fucking heard his cheeky ass

"Now there's something you did do" he said with a laugh, making you shake your head and look around in embarrassment for if any of the team were looking at you

Now, everyone on the team were laughing, including Steve and Strange this time

Let's just say that when you all met back up, the team had to keep the pair of you apart, because you were ready to murder the man

Another time when one of you got embarrassed was when he did, and it was actually his own fault

He was trying to get you, but it ended up backfiring

It started when you were both on the bus going back to the tower from a pub or something, idk

For the person who commented on that line saying "It's stuff like this... "something, idk"...makes it look like you don't care. Which then loses votes because if you don't care why should we keep reading. I mean, seriously, don't get lazy. If you "don't know" then leave it, don't write it in"

NEVER tell I don't care, I didn't get lazy, you have no published works, so you have no idea how stressful it is to write on here. I have so much to think about for just one fic, and while this one isn't the longest, it was still difficult. If you do know how to write, I apologise, but you should still know how hard it is. You've seen how many parts I've written in this book, you know how appreciative I am of all of my readers, and I am sleep deprived because of writing on this fucking app, so don't EVER fucking tell me that I don't care. I wrote it in because I'm me, I do stuff like that, and if you know me and what I'm like on here, it wouldn't have bothered you

Anyways, thanks for the extra read and comment on this book, and let's get back to the fic in this book that I apparently don't care about :)

Bucky started to feel.... Needy, and he desperately wanted you, so he dragged you onto his lap with a quiet whine

Good job you were sat in the corner of the end of the bus where no one else was, so no one saw you

He started to attack your neck before you could even think about what to say

This sudden action along with the feeling of his raging boner between your legs made you moan out, but you clamped a hand over your mouth to save you any more  weird stares

His need to fuck you was now greater, but he didn't act on it, as he knew you hadn't exactly accepted yet, so instead, he kept kissing your neck until you lost track of time, and stops

Someone then came over to the pair of you and said
"Are you two girls going to stop sinning and get off the bus any time soon?"

You almost laughed, because you could hear Bucky panicking and whispering things in your ear like "Oh my fucking God, oh my God, help, send help"

"Yes, so sorry about this, we're getting off now, come on, Buckette" you replied and grabbed his hand

You stood up and pulled him up with you, so that he was stood there with a huge and painful tent in the crotch of his jeans on display for everyone to see

You were sat at the back as well, so he had to walk all the way to the front, thank the driver, get off the bus and walk down the street with an erection

The more people that looked at him, the redder he went

It truly was a glorious sight, because you had finally won

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now