167. Cheat?

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Requested by buddybear234

Okay, so this one is another one with a triggering topic - Bucky is taken advantage of, but this time I won't explain what happens to him

As always, please skip this one if you have to or want to, thanks besties :))

Word Count: 3074

"Have fun, Doll" your boyfriend smiled warmly at you while giving you a kiss on the forehead

"We will, but try not to do anything stupid, okay?" You replied, blushing slightly

He then put his hand on his chest and opened his mouth wide, as he mocked offence "Me? I never do anything stupid"

But then, from behind you, you both heard Natasha mutter "He does you", which made Wanda almost spit her drink out from laughter

At this, Bucky laughed more, but only because of your embarrassed expression- your whole face went red as your mouth hung open as you looked up at him for a second, but then you turned around and looked at your two best friends, and saw Nat stood there with a proud look on her face and her hands in her pockets, while Wanda panicked and tried to swallow her mouthful of liquid and clean up her mess at the same time

Though this sight was amusing, you were still kind of embarrassed, so Bucky just said your name softly, making you turn back to him, but you didn't look at him from embarrassment

Because of this, his smile grew slightly as he hooked a metal finger under your chin and brought your head up to look at him "We have to go now" he said

He then leaned in closer, and as he went to kiss you, he whispered "I love you, don't forget that"

You kissed him back, but only for a second, because should broke it to say "I love you too and don't you forget- I know how you are with forgetting things"

Form this, he pouted at you and simply replied "Funny" with a monotone voice

"Bucky, hurry the fuck up" a loud voice that belonged to Sam Wilson rang out, scaring all of you, as a quieter voice shouted "Language" at him

Your super soldier rolled his eyes and kissed you again, before he winked at you and turned to join Steve and Sam before they cut his hands off

You laughed slightly, already missing your boyfriend, as you turned to your girls and smiled

The two of you were about to have very different nights- you were having a girls night, with popcorn, gossip and a mind full of Bucky, whereas he would have one of the worst nights of his life

And that's saying something


"Why are we here again?" Bucky asked his two best friends as they all walked through the entrance to the bar that Sam had lead them to "Why not. It gives me and Steve a break from saving your stupid ass, and gives you a break from Y/N" Sam answered with a shrug

Bucky didn't even try to protest to the first part of the answer, because he knew it was true, so he just looked at him and said "What makes you think I want a break from Y/N?"

But, the bird man just shrugged again, and at this point, they had reached the bar

Already, Bucky was feeling a bit odd- as if someone was watching him, but he tried to ignore it for now, as Steve handed him a drink and they started a conversation

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now