124. What The Fuck Is This

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I wrote this in about 3 minutes and I have no idea why or what the fuck it is

Bon appetite

Word Count: 453- because no thought was in this whatsoever

Today was the first day of your life in the Avengers tower, and you couldn't be more excited

But what excited you even more was a certain super soldier that managed to snag your attention

This certain guy had one metal arm and one flesh arm, accompanied by bright blue orbs and brunette hair that framed his pale face perfectly

The first time your E/C orbs settled on him, you were in love - you could practically feel your heart hammering at your chest

You doubted he loved you back, but when in doubt, peace and pout, amirite?

How could he not love you? You were perfect because you got them main character vibes

You wanted to know really badly, but you didn't want to ruin your friendship with him, but you were drawn to him

That jawline, those abs, that smile, that body, and that ass should all be illegal

Anyways, your eyes followed him to outside, but eventually, your legs followed him to outside

Outside where? The roof of course, where else?

I didn't even know the tower had a roof but hey, ho, out you went

Once you got there, you found Bucky sitting cross-legged and looking up at the stars because he moves at super speed now

Oh I forgot to mention it was night time earlier? Silly me

It was night, that's why he was able to see the stars

When you saw him, you walked and sat down next to him, completely ruining his peace, but he didn't look at you until you spoke

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"Yeah" he replied, glancing at you

He thought you were gorgeous, and his obvious ass just gave it away

But, because you were an oblivious, blind-ass bitch, you didn't notice it

Instead, you looked at him and made eye contact

Or should I say orb contact, wahey

As the two of you were staring into each other's eyes, you didn't realise, but you were both moving towards each other

Your eyes closed and your lips met, as your tongues fought for dominance, and his flesh arm wrapped itself around you

You kissed for longer than was humanly possible, because fuck oxygen

When you broke away though, Bucky said "I don't even know your name and I met you like an hour ago, but I love you"

"My name is Y/N and I love you too. Let's get married and have like 6 kids"


The End

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now