64. Hospital

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Why have I been thinking about this all day help

Word count: 887 cos I wanted to torture you all and leave it on a cliffhanger ha ha ha I'm so evil

Lmao I don't even know I'm sorry about that ^💀

Buzz buzz

Buzz buzz

Buzz buzz

Buzz buzz

After the fourth round of your phone ringing, you got sick of it and actually got out of bed to answer it with a tired groan- you had decided to sleep in your clothes because you just couldn't be arsed getting changed

When you looked at the name of the person who was calling you, to say you were surprised would be an understatement - it was Bruce Banner... At 4:37 am

You furrowed your eyebrows, pressed the green button on your phone and put it on loud speaker

"Bruce? Why are you calling me so early? Are you okay?" You asked, rubbing your eyes and stretching

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's Bucky, Y/N. He's in hospital" he said this calmly, but you could tell that he was dreading telling you this

But, it got you wide awake, as you almost yelled "What? Oh my God, is he okay?"

You had been dating Bucky for a few years now, and you were now incredibly worried about him - you knew he was on a mission, but it should've been easy for him, as he's done it so many times

You would normally go on his missions with him, but this one he had to do alone, and look where it got him

But, you heard Bruce speak again, silencing your thoughts "Is he okay? Yeah, that's kind of the question we're waiting to be answered. We don't know"

At this, your heart sank- no one knew if your boyfriend was alright and no one knew what happened to him, but you couldn't really ask him because she could be dead for all you know

"Hey, who's 'we'? And what hospital are you at?" You asked, hoping to see him, as you slipped your shoes on and wrapped yourself up in a warm jacket

"Me and Steve, and I think it's called Bellevue Hospital" he replied

Of course Steve was with him, this is Bucky we're talking about here

"I'm coming now. See you soon, Bruce" you said, getting a bye back as you ran down the stairs of your house

You grabbed a key and flung the door open, making sure to lock it before running off to the hospital

Good job you knew where it was, and it didn't take very long for you to get there, but when you did, you were greeted by a very concerned Captain America

"Hey, guys" you said with a smile, trying to lighten the mood and failing horribly

"Y/N, do you have any idea what happened?" The blond said, hugging you gently

"No, no one's told me anything. I only just found out from Bruce that he was here" you replied, returning the hug

He nodded as a response as a doctor walked past with a clioboard when he let go of you

It was too late for you or Steve to speak to her, but Bruce managed to catch her just in time "Excuse me?" he said, trying to get her attention

Luckily, the doctor wasn't busy and turned around, clearly surprised that three Avengers were stood there "How can I help you, sir?" she said with a smile

"We're here to see someone" Steve said, making her nod and look down to her clipboard

"I'm assuming you're looking for Mr. Barnes?" she said "I'm sorry to ask, but we have to for everyone. What is your relationship with him?"

It was Bruce's turn to speak again as he motioned to you and Steve in turn "Well, Y/N is his girlfriend, Steve is his boyfriend, and I'm the guy who patches him up when he does something stupid"

She shot him a confused look, but when Steve whacked him and said "I'm his best friend, not his boyfriend" he let out a laugh when he spoke and smiled at her, making her blush and nod

"Follow me. He looks like he's okay, but it's kind of hard to speak to someone with a tube down their throat"

This really scared you, and you felt your face drop and your heart sank even lower "W-what?" You said nervously

"Don't worry, honey, it's just so he can breathe" she said as you started to walk next to her with Steve and Bruce behind you

But, you were worried about why he couldn't breathe on his own, scaring yourself more and more with every step to the room he was in

Steve and Bruce knew how much Bucky meant to you, so they glanced at each other knowingly after your shaky comment

A few minutes of walking later, you arrived at the room he was in, but just before the doctor opened the door, she turned to you specifically and said "I'm warning you, this may be a bit upsetting to see. Are you ready?"

You didn't know what to say, so you just awkwardly nodded and looked at the other two

Once they confirmed that they were ready, the doctor smiled reassuringly at you and opened the door

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ