85. Periods

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Can you tell I was on mine when I wrote this lmaoooo

Being with him while on your period would include:

- Him being able to tell immediately if you were

- Him doing as he's told and fucking off when you tell him to

- Always being comforted by him, even when you told him you didn't want it

- Him going out of his way to buy you things that would help you or that you would like- such as: chocolate, pads/tampons/cups, chocolate, painkillers, chocolate, flowers, chocolate, headache tablets, chocolate, heat packs, chocolate, and... Did I mention chocolate?

- Shouting at him, being mean to him, swearing at him, glaring at him, flipping him off, threatening him, insulting him

- Him not taking your words or actions to heart- he knows that your mood can change drastically and understands that you're more sensitive on your period

- Although you'd tell him to fuck off and he would, he wouldn't ever actually leave - he'd stand outside the door and waiting for you to shout his name again, which didn't take long at all

- Him being kinda scared of you

- Finding it awkward to tell him about this, but changing your mind after seeing how amazing and mature he was about it

- Although he was a guy, you learned how to talk to him about things that he wouldn't ever fully understand, like how much these things fucking hurt

- This means that Bucky also learnt how to speak to you about this. He would ask you questions about it that other people might find inappropriate or awkward to answer, but you would try to explain what you were going through. He sometimes did it to distract you from the pain, but other times, he was genuinely curious

- If you told a really bad joke that you looked proud of, he would laugh at it - he didn't want to hurt your feelings because he didn't want his dick to be cut off with a rusty bread knife

- Bucky always being the person you went to for comfort, and always receiving it when you asked

- Him being a great radiator and freezer- his metal arm was always cold, and the rest of him was always warm, helping you with your cramps

- Knowing that he hated it when you were in pain and he couldn't do anything about it

- Bucky being the only one who notices when your expression or your posture changes because you were having a mild or painful cramp, and always wrapping his arms around you to help you get through it, no matter where the two of you were

- Him always offering to do things for you so you didn't have to move if you had finally found a position to be in that didn't hurt

- Catching him looking up 'What helps with period pains?' and realizing that he really did care about you

- Him learning that orgasms helped with period pains...

- Bucky panicking when you would just suddenly burst out crying because of something stupid like seeing a kid build a sandcastle

- When you needed love and attention, there was no way that Bucky would ignore you, period or not

- Having someone who loved you, even when Satan would be afraid of you

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