2. Your Day Off

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I wrote this at like 4 am in one night, that's why it's shit lmao

Y/N/N- Your Nickname

Published: 24th November 2020

Edited: 8th January 2023

Word count: 1126

Having a day off from being a superhero isn't as exciting as you would think

You were all bored out of your minds and had absolutely nothing to do

Everyone was out on a mission and the only people in the tower were you, Bucky, Steve and Tony, and all of you were sat in the living room in front of the TV

No one was really watching it though, as Tony was, once again, jamming a screwdriver into the Iron Man arm he was wearing. Steve was trying to get as far away from him as possible, as he was sat opposite him and didn't want a hole for a face, and you were sat scrolling through your phone in between him and Bucky, who was weirdly looking at the fridge as if he was thinking, but you didn't question him

Some time had passed and Steve was the only one who really moved because he was hungry and decided to go to the kitchen for, strangely, quite a while

You looked up at the right moment to see all three of them get scared because of Tony

He was aiming his hand at one of the large floor-to-ceiling windows and surprise, surprise, it went off and shattered the entire window, showering the street below in glass and sending him flying backwards off of the sofa with the pillows

"Damn" was his only response before finally getting off his ass and sprinting to the elevator door to make sure no one was hurt

You tried your best to suppress your loud laughter and looked into the kitchen and smirked at Steve, who was shaking his head and only looked a bit amused

Inside, you could tell he was actually very amused, and was also trying to suppress his laughter

Bucky however, was actually laughing silently and you could see tears rolling down his face because of how hard he was laughing

Just one look at your best friend set your own laughter off and together you eventually ended up on the floor, both clutching to your stomachs and sides

"Aaahhhh, it hurts" you said in between laughs, trying to calm yourself down, him doing the same

About 20 minutes later, you both managed to calm yourselves down and noticed that Steve was gone, when he left, you had no idea

"Wow, I haven't laughed like that since the 40's, and I gotta say, I'm glad it was with you, Y/N" Bucky randomly said whilst massaging his sides

You were a bit shocked and he went red, but he quickly changed the subject

"Hey, uhh I know something that's fun to do, just wait here"

No, he isn't about to get his cock out, I know you what you guys are like

You nodded and anxiously watched him go into the kitchen and almost walk into the fridge, which you found out was his destination

He looked over, smiled, then scooped all the fridge magnets off of it and held them in his normal hand

As he was doing this, you sat back on the sofa you were on and wiped your tears of laughter away

When he came to join you again, he said "So, I wanna see what it's like being Captain America"

His eyes were full of excitement, but you were totally confused "So why do you have magnets?" You asked

He didn't reply, he just took your hands and put the magnets in one of them, stood you up and walked with you to one side of the room

"Stay here" he said and began walking to the other side of the room

"Now, throw one at me" you were a bit hesitant as you didn't want to hurt him, but then you thought that fridge magnets can't do you any to extremely little harm and you were just being stupid, so you took one from your hand and lobbed it at him

Before it could hit him, he raised his left arm and the magnet stuck right to it, making a goofy and knowing smile grow on both of your faces

You then tried to throw two at once and he got both of them

The game quickly changed into you throwing one somewhere and him trying to catch it, so you threw one behind you

A look of panic shot across his face as he sprinted past you to get the pink, heart shaped fridge magnet that definitely belonged to Clint as if his life depended on it

It was going to hit the floor and to your utter amusement and shock, he dived for it, which ended up with him on the floor, his magnet- filled arm fully extended

You almost snorted from inhaling so fast as you watched him look around for it "Where is it?" he asked, his voice laced with confusion

When he turned back to you, you saw that he no longer had a red star on his shoulder, but a pink heart

You tried the best you could to match his expression of confusion - you weren't going to tell him until someone noticed and pointed it out to him

He then started to look on his arm to see if he got it and now the panic was in you, but you let out a quiet sigh of relief when he somehow didn't see it

Then the door suddenly opened, revealing Steve and Tony, both with confused looks on their faces

"What were you two doing?" You asked

No, they weren't shagging lmao

"We could ask you the same, Y/N/N" Tony said, looking at your best friend's arm

"We were just playing a game" he said innocently, but of course, Tony took this the wrong way and he smirked whilst walking into to the kitchen and earning a smack on the back of his head from you

Steve then looked at Bucky on the floor, still trying to find the magnet and laughed, seeing the heart

He looked up to you and pointed to his own shoulder with a smile

You silently replied by nodding and putting your finger to your lips to tell him to be quiet and not to say where it was

He nodded back and asked "What're you looking for, Buck?"

"A pink magnet" he mumbled

You knew that Steve wouldn't be able to tell him where it actually was, so to humiliate him even more, he asked if he wanted to go for a run with him

To your surprise, he gave up looking and agreed to go with him

Let's just say that he earned a few weird looks form strangers and when Sam found out, he was howling with laughter

Nobody let him forget that he had a pink heart on his shoulder for a month without realizing

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now