58. Crossover- 40's

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Requested by LocaWriter :)

So, this is a crossover fic between Marvel and Doctor Who, so if you haven't seen Peter Capaldi's Doctor, You probably won't understand this one, like at all

It's been such a long time since I wrote a Doctor Who one, let's see if I've still got it lmao

This was kind of a confusing request, but I tried to stick to it and I hope it's what you wanted lol


Word Count: 1634

The TARDIS whirred and creaked from the breaks being left on, as you, your sister, Clara and The Doctor were thrown into the walls, trying to hold onto something before you all got killed

"DOCTOR, WHAT IS GOING ON?" You heard you sister shout as she reached out to grab the side of the console with one hand and moved her hair out of her face with the other

You couldn't see The Doctor at the moment, as you were trying your hardest not to fucking die, but you heard his thick Scottish accent echo throughout the Control Room "I DON'T KNOW" he shouted this while he was trying to work out what was going on by standing there and looking around madly

This was then followed by another shout from Clara as you managed to steady yourself by wrapping your arms around the railing by the stairs "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW"

Wires and parts of the console were creating small explosions and sparks were flying everywhere, making Clara let go of it and get thrown back into the chaos

"HE MEANS HE DOESN'T KNOW, YOU MUPPET" you shouted at her from across the room, earning a glare

Then, all three of you started to scream as a loud crash and a violent bump sent you all flying in the same direction, despite your iron grip on the railing

When you landed, the shaking and the whirring suddenly stopped completely, allowing you to stand up and look at each other

"I think we've landed" Clara said to you, making you nod and looked around at various wires still sparking

"The only question is- where?" The Doctor said, running his hand through his white, puffy hair

"And when?" You added, walking towards the door slightly uneasy, as the TARDIS could start again at any minute

As soon as you opened the door, you were surprised to see that you had landed in the middle of a large group of people

It was night time and people were everywhere, talking and laughing at things

You looked around and saw a stage, multiple American flags and signs that said "Stark Expo 1943"

This confused you a lot- you've never heard of that and it was quite recently "What the hell is the Stark Expo?" You said aloud, hoping that either your sister or The Doctor was behind you

You heard a voice speak, but you didn't recognise it, but it felt like you've known it all your life "This is an event run by Howard Stark 'that brings minds together from around the world and combines them to try and develop new inventions to improve quality of life for mankind and the world in the future.' Apparently"

When you turned around to locate the source of the voice, you saw a man dressed in an army uniform with his hat slightly slanted, smiling at you, but not making eye contact with you

He was almost a head taller than you, but you could see every detail in his face clearly

Your admiration for this man was cut short, however, as Clara repeated what you had said previously

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن