95. Stress

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The credit for the letter goes to the fantabulous LeMarvelSimpette

Go check out their book called "comfort character letters" - you can request a character, and you'll get a letter from them (as you probably could've guessed from the title)

Thanks again for letting me write this, bestie :)

Sorry it's so late as well >.<

I feel like the ending can be significantly improved- any ideas for it, I'll be willing to read

Word Count: 1646

The only thing you felt recently was stress

All day, every day, day in, day out

And everyone noticed

You could just walk into the room, and it would fall silent- no one wanted to piss you off or make you even more stressed than you were already

It actually got to a point where you would lock yourself in your room and cry loudly, refusing to talk to anyone

You were constantly losing sleep, and your mind was always switched on

The first person who noticed your odd behaviour was your best friend, and this, of course, was Bucky Barnes

You would cry, and cry, and cry, and all Bucky could do was sit outside your door, lean the back of his head against it, close his eyes and listen to your pained sobs

He desperately wanted to help you, but he wasn't really the best at comforting people, so he didn't know what to do

Every day he would sit there, trying to think of something to say to you, but not coming up with anything, making his heart break even more because he has to listen to you cry for longer

He obviously knows that he doesn't have to sit there, but he wants to, just in case you needed someone

Although he was your best friend, he had very recently started to fall in love with you, but he hasn't told you yet, because he was afraid that he would increase your stress

So, he waited

But, the longer he waited, the worse the pair of you felt- he knew he had to do something soon, for yours and his sake

It was torture for him to see you so upset and anxious, so the longer he stayed outside your door, the mor while he had to think of a plan

He had come to the conclusion that he would write you a letter

A letter containing the things that Bucky thinks you need to know from someone, and from him, including how he felt about you

He scrambled up onto his feet, paused for a minute for his head rush to go down, and sprinted to his own room with a head full of things to say

He was in such a rush to get his words onto paper, that he almost ripped his bedroom door off and almost snapped his pen in half

The first attempt, he ripped the paper

The second attempt, the pen exploded, so he had to get a new one anyways, and the ink smudged all over the page and his hands, staining his real one and managing to get it on his face because this man is a child

The third attempt, he didn't rip the paper, the pen didn't explode, but he made a mistake halfway through the letter and almost ripped his fucking hair out

The fourth attempt, he got everything right and the letter was now finished and perfect, he just hoped that you'd appreciate the things he's said

Now all that was left to do was to put it somewhere you would find it- your pillow would be a good place

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now