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You get Jesus Bucky in this one

You're welcome

AnD iNfInItY wAr DoEsNt HaPpEn

Word Count: 1011

After the events of Civil War, Bucky thought it would be best to go back into cryofreeze, so that Shuri, and other Wakandan scientists could cure him and his mind

The Dora Milaje, the Wakandan scientists, and Shuri all played a massive role in his recovery, and he couldn't be more thankful to the whole country, who made him feel comfortable and welcomed and treated him like one of their own - he hadn't been handled so gently for around 70 years

His days there involved re-training himself, fighting his own body, and beating his own mind into submission in order to become Bucky Barnes again

He did this along with several other less strenuous tasks, like helping the goats of Wakanda live- he made a lot of 4-legged friends there

Today though, Shuri had something else planned for him

She was currently leading Bucky somewhere that he hadn't been in a long time - the Wakandan landing platform

"Shuri? Why are we here?" he asked, the Quinjet now just coming into view, making him more confused as he ran his right hand through his hair

She stopped walking and turned around to him as she smiled and put her head up with shining eyes "Sergeant Barnes-" she started, but Bucky interrupted her with a smile

"Shuri, how many times have I told you that you can just call me Bucky" he laughed at her formality

"Sorry, Sergeant. My brother insists I call you this in public, and seeing as though he's the King and all, I kind of have to obey his orders" she shrugged and rolled her eyes, and he nodded in understanding at his friend

"So... Why are we here again?" he asked, staring at the familiar vehicle and being filled with a sudden anxiety

She must've noticed, as she put a hand on his right shoulder gently and smiled warmly "You have a visitor"

Then, as if on cue, the walkway to the Quinjet opened, but no one came out of it, confusing him more

He walked slowly up to it, with Shuri behind him "Wait, a visitor? Who?" he asked her, turning his head, and seeing that she was further away than he expected he to be

So, he turned fully around and repeated her name, and she tried not to laugh at his confusion - something she never got used to in 2 years

Then, he heard a voice from behind him that made his eyes go wide as he looked at Shuri

"Bucky?" The voice said, filling him with so much happiness and love, that he almost broke his neck from the speed that he turned around

As soon as he saw your happy face smiling down at you, his own face lit up and reflected your infectious and incredible smile

"Y/N" he breathed out before you ran to him, causing him to pick you up with his one arm and spun you around, the both of you laughing and smiling like idiots

"You didn't forget about me" he said, as if he was reassuring himself of this fact as he put you down, breaking your heart a little bit

"How could I? I love you, Bucky" you said, letting a tear stream down your face - you hadn't seen each other in 2 years, and he was doubting your love for him

"I love you too, you know I do" he replied with another small laugh

Once he finished speaking, he put his normal hand on your face and wiped the tear away with his thumb before the two of you locked lips in the most passionate kiss you've ever shared, making Shuri watch the pair of you, a smile still plastered on her face

The reason why you hadn't visited in 2 years was because T'Challa didn't think it was safe, and he didn't want anyone to interrupt Bucky's attempts at killing the Winter Soldier

But, the absence of each other was killing both of you inside - now, neither of you could control your emotions

When the kiss was broken, there were heavy tears flooding down both of your faces, as he moved some of your hair out of your face

He couldn't stop smiling at you, and you were so glad to see him so happy, but you had to make sure this happiness was real and not just an act he was putting on to make you feel better

"Are you okay?" You asked, genuinely wondering how he has been

"I was gonna ask you that, Doll" he replied, his eyes glittering with delight

"I'm okay, I'm very, really, so, so okay now that I've seen you again, Bucky" you laughed, feeling warm inside from the name you haven't heard in 2 years

"So am I, but I'm so much more than okay" He said, looking between your eyes quickly, enjoying the feeling of holding you again, even if it was with one arm

"What do you mean?" You asked, cocking your head to the side, still smiling at him

"Y/N" he said excitedly "I'm free"

You knew just how desperate he was to say those two words for so long, and the fact that he actually had the chance to say them filled him with overwhelming happiness

You had never seen him this happy, and you couldn't put into words how proud of him you were

This was the first time you'd ever seen him be free of Hydra, and it was a sight that you could look at forever

Of course, his words weren't entirely true - he wasn't fully free of Hydra, as the scars and the traumatic memories still remain, but now, they couldn't control him anymore, and most importantly, he could now trust himself - something he hasn't done for around 70 years

His dreams and his appearance may still be haunted by Hydra, but Bucky Barnes was something that he's been trying to be almost all his life


Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum