83. Claimed

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So, as you may or may not have guessed from the title, this is an Alpha/Omega fic

I don't have a diddly doo double fuck about what the hell I'm writing about in this, but it's a request, so I've tried my best to fulfill that request lmao

I've read Wattpad books on how this all works and I'm really fucking confused, so I'm sorry if all of this is completely wrong lol

Requested by: ElizabethLily_Potter

Word Count: 882 - I'm so sorry if this is completely not what you had in mind, but I don't want to write a full story, only for someone to say that none of it is right, so I know this is short and I'm so, so sorry, but I tried my best to write what I think you wanted

You were an Omega

The only Omega in a tall tower full of Avengers- Betas and Alphas

But, there was a very strong Alpha there, who terrified you at first

Not really the best place for someone like you to be

Especially when you're in heat

Luckily, the Alphas try their best to keep themselves under control, but there have been some... Incidents, where one of the other Alphas has accidentally let themselves loose and have ended up searching for you like a wolf stalking its prey - luckily, your Alpha was there, but he didn't kill the other, as he knew that none of them would ever even think to hurt you intentionally - they all told you this, making you feel somewhat safer

And it's all because of that one specific, strong Alpha- James Buchanan Barnes

He's the one that could smell when you were in heat the most, the one that could sense when you needed help

And so, you'd let him help you

But because of this, you were his, which you definitely didn't complain about

He was probably the only one that was able to control himself when he gets in a rut - when he gets horny as fucking hell for anyone who doesn't know

Not that he needed to control himself of course, as his ruts lined up perfectly with your heats which was good news for him

It made your life somewhat easier after he helped you the first time - no one would dare let themselves give into your scent while in heat again

Not while Bucky was around- they'd try harder to control themselves. But, of course, it still happened, which means that Bucky had to defend you- fight off the others Alphas

As time went by, the other Alphas discovered that you and Bucky truly loved each other and it would be a death sentence to try and take the Omega away from the Alpha

He never left your side and would always watch over you - if you got hurt, it was like he felt it, so he would swoop in and rescue you straight away

You didn't really like talking to people, so Bucky did it for you

You were his, and he was going to protect you

He cared a lot about you, he loved you, which means that if anyone did try to go for you, he would most certainly kill them, and the other Alphas knew this, so they kept their distance from you once they realised

When you were upset or angry about something, he'd take off his one-sleeved shirt and let you put it on - his scent alone was enough to make you feel comfortable, but he would cuddle you and purr into you, showing his intense love for you

A massive smile would always make its way to your face whenever he did this, as it made you feel infinitely more safe and secure with him, causing you to also purr softly into his chest

It was really strange how aggressive and scary he could get, when he acts so nice and soft towards you, even with his metal arm

Of course in bed, it's a different story

He is the most dominant Alpha- no, person in the entire world - he could rearrange your insides, but would rearrange someone's limbs if they got too close to you

The pair of you just felt like you belonged together, and you were so, so, so, so fucking glad that he had claimed you before both of you met John Walker, another Alpha. Also, you could tell that Hoskins, a Beta, was so fucking done with his partner's bullshit

However, there were times where Bucky had been unable to protect you

Even after you had met Walker

Every time Bucky found you, he would kiss you all over and hold you in his shirt and jacket, making you feel loved again by taking in his scent, even if it took hours- he couldn't lose you, and he apologized about a million times for letting this happen to you

In the end, your love for him would always come back, and he would always try to protect you the best he could, even if that means staying up all night to watch over you

Because you were his

No one else's

The strongest Alpha in the tower had claimed the Omega

And both of you couldn't be happier

Also, you had sex a lot

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now