125. Lab Rats Pt. 3

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Sam and Bucky are so precious omg

Word Count: 2713

As you plonked yourself down onto the sofa, defeated, you rubbed your tummy with tears in your eyes, thinking about your husband

You couldn't believe he had actually left to get revenge, and your mind wandered to many, many negative thoughts - all of which involved Bucky getting hurt, or worse

Just as you were about to break down properly sobbing, a certain shield- wielding, winged superhero sprang into your mind, and you felt slightly more lighthearted

You almost dived for your phone, and immediately found Sam Wilson's contact, calling it hesitantly

"Hey, Y/N. How are-" you heard from the other end when he answered, but you were desperate to get Bucky back, so you interrupted him

"Sam, I need your help with something very important" you said, letting your voice waver

You trusted Sam almost as much as you trusted Bucky, and he didn't need your voice to quiver to know you were worried

"What's wrong? Where's Bucky? Has he gone Winter Soldier?" he asked all at once, making you smile slightly at his concern for you

"N-no, Sam. Well, I don't know exactly, but I just know that he's in danger and I want my child to have a father" you stuttered quickly, making him pause for a moment to comprehend what you just said

"Oh, shit. Uhh, congratulations? Okay, tell me what's happened" he said after a few seconds, making you explain everything to him, and you could hear the frustration grow in his voice


"Please find him, Sam. Make sure he's okay, and bring him home. Please Sam" you begged him after he had agreed to help you

"You don't have to worry anymore. I'll get your husband back - after I kick the shit out of him" he replied, clearly angry with his best friend

"Thanks, just don't be too harsh with him, okay? I wouldn't want you to get harmed either. You know how angry he can be"

"Noted. Get some rest, Y/N. Bucky will be home soon, I promise" he reassured you

You nodded, even though he couldn't see you, and after thanking him one last time, you took his advice and got some rest, trusting him to keep his promise

But this meant crawling into an empty bed, and waking up alone as images of how angry, yet scared Bucky was kept you awake


As he was making his way back to the place he saved you from, tears streamed down his face, and he had to use every fiber of his being to not turn around and return to you

Bucky thought about you all the way there, but his anger didn't falter once, and when he finally arrived outside of the building, he hesitated getting off his bike after putting the stand up

But, he dragged himself inside, as he didn't bother to wipe away his tears or to dry his eyes - they would only get wet again soon

The first few Flagsmashers he encountered, he killed with no hesitation - snapped their bones and left them to bleed out

He wanted them to suffer long and excruciating deaths, because he wanted them to feel what he felt inside, but no amount of pain he inflicted into these people was enough to reflect his true feelings

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now