164. Thank You Pt. 4

927 15 130

400k this time

Thank you all so so much, I love every single one of you, and I wouldn't be here today if not for you

On Wattpad and in real life

People say I'm famous and that I'm a "Wattpad Landmark" and that feels so weird to be known by so many people- I'm just a 17 year old dumbass from Leeds with like 1 real friend that I've never met, no boyfriend, and no future lmao

I don't know what else to say because I've said it all before, so I wanted to share some things that people have said about me and to me over the years I've been writing (God, that makes me sound ancient lmao, I only joined Wattpad in April 2018)


(If you're mentioned here, just know that even if you've said like three words, those three words mean so much to me, and thank you for making me happy)

I was gonna save this for 500k, but I couldn't help myself

Also, probably none of your names are the same lmao

I hope you enjoy reading how nice and sweet you all are :)

I tried my best to copy these out as they were written, as I couldn't copy and paste any of them lmao, but it was time and effort well spent- if you took the time to type out your message, I can take the time copy it

Oh, btw, there are 4418 words in this entire update, and 90% of them are your words :))

I cried putting these together


"It's been 2 years since I first read your fanfiction... At that time you still haven't reached 100k but all the same your writing was amazing. Your story was different from all the other stories at that time, because at that time, everyone writed because it was simply fun, most of them were... Well noticeably unexperienced, at that time I didn't mind it, since most of the stories of fanfic was like that. But yours were different, it was amazingly seems like a professional writer wrote it with the perfect words and writing style, even with misspelled words. I loved that about your writing, I asked for your advice and I followed it but it was hard, I couldn't write like you did. Your writing was beyond what any word can imagine. Your writing level is the same as those who write popular novels. And I'm not joking, it really is. What made me support you and help your journey was your personality and your consistency to reply to every comment, your reply was always the best (I can tell, I always commented) I guess that's what made my past self wait for your every update, made sure I voted on it, and commented as much as I can, I was really eager to see your reply. And now you're at 300k, there's many friends and supporters for you now. I may not comment as much as I did at the past but do not forget I'm always here. I would go with you through this journey until your story ends. THIS IS TOO SHORT I'M SORRY. Idk how to write fan mail. Everything here comes out from the heart"
"Okay, you know how your writing is good and everything? I kinda- like your writing too much to want to be like you on how your writing is good and everything and kinda asking you for tips?"

"Also, dude, your writing is amazing!! I got literally no sleep cause I read that entire one shot book"
"This is literally the cutest thing ever wtf"
"That's literally amazing lmao"
"It was literally so good, I love your writing"

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now