179. Thank You Pt. 5

1K 21 30

Half a million

What the fuck

Thank you all so so much

I love every single one of you with my ENTIRE heart

I know I've not been very... Stable lately, but I'm so grateful for all your support through this, and words can't express how lucky I am to have you

I'm not exactly entirely through it, and I don't think I'll ever be, but you've made it so much fucking easier to be able to live with myself

I'm so happy I saw Wattpad on the play store in April 2018 and was like "Hmm"

You're all such amazing people and I love you all so much, but there's someone that stands out from the crowd, and I have a message for you:


You probably already know who you are, and how much I love you, but I have to tell you again, and trust me, this time won't be the last

We may be in different countries, but it always feels like you've been right there next to me. I know I'm not your best friend, but you're mine. I also know how much you've been struggling, and the amount of times I've said "Everything's gonna be okay" to you is incredible, and I know you're probably sick of hearing me say it, but guess what? Everything's gonna be okay. I promise. I'm always here for you, and I'm SO fucking proud of you, words can't even begin to describe it. I can't believe we've only been talking personally since last year, but we've been Wattpad friends for ages. When I first met you on this app, I didn't EVER think you would be as fucking fantastic as you are

You're so beautiful, so incredible, so funny, so fucking chaotic, so kind, so caring, so enthusiastic about little things, so strong, so supportive, so just... Wow, how are you friends with me lmao

You've helped me so much, be it in writing, or personally, and although you're younger than me, and you're 4138.332 miles away, I wouldn't be here without you

I look forward to talking to you every day, no matter the subject- whether it's some dumbass thing, an idea, a rant or vent, a conversation about everything and nothing, or you need support, I'll always be here for you... Might take me a bit to reply, but I'll be there eventually, you know I will

I love and care about you SO fucking much. You deserve so much, and you are worth everything. You're doing amazingly, keep going, keep moving forward, please don't ever give up, I believe in you, and everything will be okay

I want to meet you so badly, and someday, we just might see each other in person

Something I always say to you- you know I love you too, and I'm always here for you

Everything will be okay, I promise

You're okay, even though I know you feel you're not, and you feel like everything is dragging you down

You are okay and you're going to make it through this, I love you, and you are good enough, I know you think you aren't, but you are

I wish I could do something to help you, but I physically can't, and you have no idea how much that hurts- you're not hurting me, don't misunderstand that

I can see you're struggling, and I desperately want to help you, but all I can do is talk to you, which isn't the same as physical contact or gift giving

All I can use is words

I know you don't think you're perfect, because... Well, you told me, but you are in my eyes

You're not always sad and youre not always happy, and that's how it should be, because you're human, and humans can break down, and that's okay too

It's okay if you always feel low, it shows that you're human, and it also shows just how fucking strong you are, because after all the shit you've been through, you're still here, and I'm so happy that you are

You've gotten me through so many low moments, with and without even realizing it, and I'm so grateful for you, I appreciate you so much, and thank you so much for being in my life, you've made it brighter

I've already said this, but I'm SO proud of you, I love you so so so so so much, and you are going to be okay, because you are so strong, and I KNOW you're going to be okay

I love you, _skittles107_, don't you dare EVER forget how much you're loved <33

P. S. This is why I asked you not to read this part when looking at the update I was working on in my drafts :)

No one gave me any ideas for this one, so uhh... this is it lmao

Thank you all so much, I love you, and here's to 600k!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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