74. Pregnant

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Look, it's a classic pregnancy fic

Enjoy the story that everyone else ever has written :)

Btw, there's nothing wrong with having a kid out of wedlock, I just decided to make it so you and Bucky are married because it... Well... Idk really


Word Count: 2317

You had been married to Bucky for a few years now, and everyone, including yourself, wondered how in God's green Earth you've managed to put up with him for so long

You've known him for ages - round about 100 years, in fact (you met when you were every young)

You were his best friend, his soulmate, and his hero. He loved you so much and he honestly wouldn't know what to do with himself if something happened to you or if you left him for whatever reason

Luckily for the both of you, neither of you were going to leave. And, the two of you were about to become a whole lot closer - you just needed Nat and Wanda's help to do so


For the past six weeks, you've been feeling odd - it started when you skipped a period after some mild cramping three weeks beforehand, making you instantly panic and look up what it meant on Google rather than going to see Bruce

You found out that either, you were pregnant, or you were going to die in like 3 days

Knowing that it couldn't be the latter, you decided to ignore the pregnant option, and decided that it was just something that sometimes happens

You were so panicky because you didn't know how Bucky would react - you tried not to think about him leaving you or being angry if you were pregnant

Because Google was right in front of you, you decided to look up what the symptoms of being pregnant were just like I did before I starting writing this because I'm too socially awkward to ask my mother

You discovered that you would feel fatigued and nauseous, while also going through heavier cramps, mood swings, morning sickness, frequent vomiting and weight gain

This actually terrified you, but if all the mothers out there could do it, so could you

You were hyping yourself up when you didn't even know if you were pregnant yet, making you calm down

You took a deep breath before you decided to call your two best friends, Wanda and Nat, with some hesitation

Nat can't even get pregnant, but you knew she would be just as supportive as Wanda

When they turned up at the house you shared with Bucky, you ran down the stairs to meet them -Bucky was out probably saving the world again, but you knew he was safe

When you called your friends up, you explained to them your situation, so you weren't surprised when Wanda came through the door holding a box that had a pregnancy test in it

You hugged them both, and Nat instantly asked the one question that you were dreading to answer "When are you gonna tell Bucky?"

You just sighed and said "I have no idea. I mean, I will when I know that I definitely am pregnant- there's no use telling him if I'm not, right?"

They both nodded with a smile, until Nat said "It is his, isn't it?" earning a whack on her shoulder from Wanda

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now