65. Hospital Pt. 2

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You all are so mean yet so kind at the same time 😂

I mean, I laughed at your comments so :)

As you probably guessed already, I am not a medical person and I have no fucking idea if any of this is correct, but if you do, please correct me, thanks besties

I was gonna publish this at a later time, but I thought 'Fuck it, they all want it, so imma just give em it'

Enjoy :)

Word Count: 1658

As the door creaked open, your nerves for the better of you, so you hesitated a bit

You realised that you had to calm yourself down, so you took a deep breath and dried your now wet eyes on the back of your hands

You bounced around a little as you mentally prepared yourself "Okay, I'm definitely ready now, let's go in" you said to the other two Avengers who were anxiously waiting for you to enter

As the door was already open, all you had to do was walk through, but as soon as you stepped fully inside, you almost collapsed at the sight of your boyfriend

As the kind doctor said, he had a tube down his throat and was sticking out of his mouth and nose, connecting to a ventilator, which was pumping air into and out of his lungs for him

There was a drip in the back of his right hand that was surrounded by bandages and he had an oximeter on his middle finger

From the oximeter, there was a monitor to the side of him showing his heart rate, temperature, blood pressure, respiration rate and oxygen saturation

You didn't have a clue what any of the numbers or lines meant, but you knew that if his heart rate flatlines, then he's had it

You tried not to think about the fact that he probably also had a catheter in as well as you slowly made your way to him

The monitor was beeping loudly to the sound of his heart beating

It was like it was taunting you as it left an awful ringing sound in your ears with every step you took to him

As you got closer, you noticed how uncomfortable he looked even though he was unconscious - his chest was moving up and down unnaturally and his skin was almost pure white

Because of this, you could see the veins in his hand, arm and neck vividly protruding out of his skin

There were stitches, bruises and bandages all over his body and you were thankful that you couldn't see most of it

It was strange to see him laying on his back with his legs straight out, as he usually slept on his side with his knees almost touching his chest, but he had no other choice

He was forced to be like this because of all the tubes that were in him and all the machines he was hooked up to

You wanted to say something, but you just couldn't - your whole body went numb and you were on the verge of breaking down next to Bucky's broken body

And when you tried to speak, all you let out was a sharp exhale of air

You honestly forgot that there were three other people in the room as you stroked the top of his head, flattening his wild and messy hair and watching it spring right back into place

You didn't understand hospitals - even though he had all of this advanced medical equipment surrounding him and coming out of him, he somehow looked peaceful, but also extremely vulnerable, only extending your want to hug him more

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now