73. Hospital Pt. 4

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You're all thirsty for injured Bucky I stg

Now I gotta think about what happened to him

Thanks guys - thanks for making me work...

Jokes I love you all <3

But you're not gonna love me after this...

Word Count: 1103

"Hey, doll"

As soon as you heard his voice, you ran to him and gently put both hands on either side of his face

You just waited there and looked at him for a minute, rubbing your thumbs over his pale cheeks and watching another weak smile form at his lips

"I'm so sorry, Y/N" he said, his voice gravelly and low, as you held his trembling figure

"You'd better be. Do you know how worried about you we all were?" You said, alternating between looking at both of his eyes

He let out his signature soft chuckle and said "Don't think that Sam was, though"

That was when you sat on the edge of his bed, as there were no tubes to interfere with anymore, and handed him Sam's note that you put on the table earlier

When he took it from your hand, he furrowed his eyebrows because he didn't recognise the handwriting, but as he read on, you saw the amusement grow in his face

He laughed at bit as he said "Huh. Maybe he was"

This made you laugh as well as you made eye contact with him and held his hand "What happened to you? The doctor that brought us here couldn't tell us because.... Well she didn't know"

He furrowed his eyebrows "Which doctor was this?" he asked, cocking his head to the side, trying to stall telling you what happened to him

"Uhh... I don't know. She had brownish blonde hair and blue eyes. She seems really nice" you told him before standing up again to move some of his hair out of his face

"Oh, yeah. That's Doctor Meredith Grey. I think she asked me, but I fell unconscious before I could answer" he smiled, but it looked like he was hiding something major

You're welcome, theendofthelinemyass

You signed and said "Bucky, please tell me what happened" with tears rolling down your face

He told you to sit down on the bed he was in, as he wiped away your tears again

"As you know, I was out doing a mission that should've been piss-easy for me to handle. But, I lowered my guard, thinking that there wasn't anyone around. Turns out there were around 20 guys waiting to kill me. They all circled around me and opened fire. I had to drag myself for hours to this hospital, because I couldn't stand - I couldn't even feel my legs. Dr Grey told me that I was so close to death, that even the the best surgeon in this place thought I wasn't gonna make it. Before you came back in just now, Dr. Grey told me that they found multiple bullets and bits of shrapnel still inside of me, a-and... Well..." he trailed off, immediately making you panic again, as his eyes filled with tears and his voice started to shake and crack

"What did she tell you?" You whispered, his sudden stop making you nervous

"I was shot multiple times right in the spine. Looks like Rhodey isn't the only Avenger who's paralyzed" he said, finally finishing the story as a tear rolled down his cheek

You gasped and wrapped your arms around him, feeling him tremble against you as he cried into you

This was the last thing you expected to hear from him- he didn't deserve this at all, especially because of what he's been through was hard enough

This would change not just Bucky's, but everyone else's lives too, and this scared him a lot

You heard him whimper before speaking again "Y/N, I'm terrified" His voice was now very shaky and there was a clear panic in it, as he looked at you "Oh my God, what am I gonna do?"

Apparently, it just dawned on him that everything in his life was now going to be different than what he's used to, shaking him up even more

"Bucky, look at me" you said, equally as upset "You're going to be fine"

"How do you know that? I'm not like Rhodey, I know that I won't ever get used to this, and, a-and-" he stuttered, obviously panicking too much

You put your hands on his face in an effort to comfort him, but it didn't work, so you leaned in and kissed him, making him kiss back weakly

After breaking it, he looked calmer and now looked you in the eyes "Bucky-" you started softly "-It doesn't matter how different you are to Rhodey. I believe that you're strong enough to not let this get in the way of your life, okay? You had to get used to having a metal arm, so I think that adapt to this pretty easily, even if you have to lean on me most of the time. I'm going to be right here by your side every step of the way, and if that means teaching you how to walk again, then so be it. I'm willing to help you get through this, but you just have to believe in yourself and stop worrying about everything at once. We'll go in small stages and only worry about what we need to at that moment in time. You might never walk again, but that doesn't mean your life is over. In fact, it's the start of a new life, and we're gonna go through it together"

Once you finished speaking, he was smiling at you and he took one of your hands from his face and held it tightly

"I- Thank you, Y/N" he stuttered, sounding genuinely grateful for being there for him

"You're welcome, Bucky, you know I'd always have time to help you" you replied, smiling at him

"So I guess this means you still love me"

"Of course I do, Bucky" you laughed before kissing him again, as he tucked some of your hair behind your ear and held you close to him

No matter what happened to him, you would always be there for him to turn to for help

And you would always give him help whenever he didn't ask for it

Right now though, Bucky needed your help more than ever, and he was surprised by how willing you were to help him

That's when he knew that you really did love him and he didn't have to face this alone

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora