100. Present

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Yeap, I'm aware that there's already a fic in this book called "Present", but this one is the other way around- the first one is Bucky giving you a present, this one is you giving Bucky a present :))

I waffle on a bit when it gets to the texts lmao, but I hope it doesn't affect the story - blame iiSqudxdeii for distracting me lmao

Word Count: 2525

Because of everything he's done for you, you wanted to get Bucky something special to say thanks

This gift would be just out of the blue and not for a special occasion- there's no way you could wait that long

The only question was what to get him

He's looked after you, taken care of you, saved your life, been there for you, protected you, and most of all, he's loved you, and continues to do so every day with all his heart

You both literally cannot survive without the other

Despite all these things, he always had a lot on his mind, so you thought it would be best to get him something that he could use as a distraction against everything going on in his head

You thought about cooking something, but you didn't want to burn the tower down, but then you got the idea to make something

With this idea in mind, you scurried your way down to the science lab, where you were surprised to find out that Bruce wasn't actually there

This out a smile on your face, because as much as you love Bruce, there was no way he would let you mess around with his things

Buuuuuut, because he wasn't there, you could do what you liked

Immediately, you grabbed a hold of something expensive-looking and moved it to the side so that you didn't get killed

You looked around, wondering what everything was and touching different machines, looking into test tubes and beakers, and getting distracted by anything and everything

Eventually, your clumsy ass forgot that you moved something expensive, so when you turned around to look at something else, your hand got caught on it and you accidentally flung it off the table

Seeing your life flash before your eyes, you flailed your arms around, trying to catch it, but you ended up awkwardly juggling it before it fell to the floor and shattered in slow motion

Afterwards, you were stood there for about 10 minutes, just staring at the broken piece of equipment, swearing in your head and wondering what the fuck to do

Suddenly, you got another great idea


You fucking legged it out of the science lab, hoping desperately that you didn't run into anyone- especially Bruce or Tony

You knew that Bucky was in the tower, you just didn't know where, so you didn't go to your shared room- instead, you just ran straight outside of the tower, almost falling down the stairs


Once you got out of the doors of the tower, you could hear your heartbeat in your ringing ears, so you decided to just sit on a nearby bench to catch your breath back

Now you had two things to keep a secret- Bucky's present, and Bruce's wrecked equipment

You sat on the bench for about 45 minutes, scrolling on your phone, once again getting distracted, when you saw a text from someone

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now