165. The One

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Okay so everyone who has ever written anything ever has probably done a soulmate fic with the colours, but I wanted a go so yeah

If you don't have a clue what the fuck I'm talking about, it's where everyone sees in black and white, but when they see their soulmate for the first time, they can see in colour and have to regularly look at them to keep the colour- if one of them dies, the colour for the other slowly fades away

If that makes sense, great, if not... Here it is anyways lmao

Also, I'm really sorry about the slow updates and replies lately, life is so fucking difficult, but enough about me and my dramatic ass-

I'm sorry again and enjoy :)

Thanks as always Skittles

Word Count: 2610

"So, how's the whole soulmate situation going?" Steve asked his best friend over breakfast after he waited for a pause where Bucky didn't have any cereal in his mouth

The pair were sat opposite each other at a table in the tower, having both woken up only a few hours ago, before everyone else

The brunette sighed and let his spoon clink against the edge of the bowl as he looked at him

This isn't how he wanted this day to start - whenever he thought about this topic, he would become frustrated with himself for being so far into his life and not being able to find the person made for him

And he would think about it every day

"I'm not gonna lie to you, Steve, it's not going great" he answered with a cock of his head and a frown

He looked down and folded his arms, thinking about how Steve could see colours and he couldn't, and what it must feel like to finally see how beautiful the world's colours must be

"You gotta get yourself out there. Meet new people, socialize a bit. You never know, your soulmate might just be around the corner" Steve replied, shrugging his shoulders

"Yeah, that's pretty difficult when everyone you try to talk to thinks you're a murderer" Bucky spoke with a monotone voice as he picked his spoon back up and shoveled in a mouthful of his cereal, leaning over the bowl

When the blond didn't reply, Bucky continued speaking "Besides. I might've killed them when I was the Winter Soldier, or they might've died during the years I spent as him. I didn't find them during the 40's or in the last 70 years, so I might just give up trying to find them. It's obvious that something doesn't want me to. And at least I know they aren't Hydra. I must've seen every single agent and still no colour"

Steve felt sorry for him, and wished he could find his soulmate for him - he knew how broken he was and how much he just wanted and needed to be loved

Bucky was the only one on the team who couldn't see colour, and he was constantly reminded that he was alone, and he felt as if the gigantic hole in his heart was physically killing him 

He had been so alone for so long, that he felt like his heart was permanently closed, and that if he did find his soulmate, he wouldn't recognise them, and that he would forever see in black and white

As Bucky was being dramatic and voicing these worries to his best friend, the blond suddenly had a realization

And so, he put an end to Bucky's ranting when he was in the middle of a sentence by simply saying "All hope isn't lost"

Steve's plan worked- this shut the brunette up, but also urged a reply from him

He placed his spoon back in his bowl and asked "What do you mean?"

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now