19. Fluffyyyyyy

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This is probably the most fluffiest thing I've ever written and I'm fucking squealing because I love this omggggg

Published: 5th February 2021

Edited: 28th January 2023

Word Count: 1162

It was a quiet day in the Avengers Tower- everyone were out seeing family, friends or just wanted to be out of the tower, which left you alone with your boyfriend, James Buchanan Barnes

What's new lmao

You and Bucky were both sat on the sofa, well- he was sat on the sofa, but only your legs were touching it, as you were sat on his lap, looking into his eyes as the pair of you admired the other 

He moved a strand of hair out your face and tucked it behind your ear before smiling at you with love in his eyes and sighing softly

You always thought of yourself as not as talented or strong as the other Avengers, and that you didn't deserve to be on the time- that you were worthless and a waste of time

When you first told him that you felt that way about yourself, his heart broke and hugged you for about half an hour, whispering comforting words and telling you how much you meant to him- this was also the first time he told you he loved you. He didn't mean to say it, but he's so glad he did because now, he could say it all the time to you instead of keeping it a secret from you and being shy

You laughed a bit after he sighed and asked "What? Enjoying the view?"

"Yeah, it's my favourite view" He placed his hand carefully on your cheek, which made you shiver from the contact, but before you could respond, he spoke again

"I'm sorry, Doll. Is it cold?" he asked, removing his hand a bit

You panicked a bit and replied instantly "No, no. It's perfect" you raised your own hand to place his back on your face

He brought his head closer to yours as he said "Oh, just like you, then?" with a smirk

Your foreheads touched making you bow your head slightly, as you were higher up on his lap

His smile grew and his white teeth made an appearance, which made it even more contagious, so you smiled back instinctively

"That was so cheesy, Bucky" you laughed, causing him to join in, scrunching his nose up and shutting his eyes

Once he had opened them again, he looked at you in the same way he did when he sighed, even though your foreheads were together and he couldn't fully see you

"I love you, Y/N Y/L/N" he whispered

"I love you, Bucky Barnes" you replied before leaning forward a bit more, closing your eyes and pressing a light kiss to his lips before pulling away

But Bucky wanted a real kiss so his hand moved carefully from your face, over your ear and to the back of your head almost instantly and he pulled you back against him so he could kiss the daylights out of you

Your lips moved in sync with one another, and they fit together perfectly like a jigsaw puzzle

Once you both broke the kiss, you were breathless and he turned a bit red "N-now that's a kiss" he stuttered and didn't open his eyes until a few seconds later

You laughed a bit again and kissed his cheek "You always act like every kiss is our first"

"That's because that sensational feeling inside of me that I got when we first kissed never went away, and quite frankly, I never want it to because... Well... " his words faded out as he looked down, embarrassed

"Because what?" You said gently as you kissed his forehead, encouraging him to continue

After a minute or so, he raised his head back up and simply said
"You're the reason I'm smiling again"

A warm feeling passed through you as you felt fuzzy inside and you let out a weird giggle, which he (luckily) found adorable

It made him laugh, so he decided to compliment you even more

And all he had to do was tell the truth

"Your smile is literally the cutest thing I have ever seen in my hundred years"

"That's probably because you make me happy in a way no one else ever can" you replied to him, and now it was his turn to melt

You never thought you would see a super soldier, and a trained assassin become flustered

He was stuttering and going redder and redder as he tried to speak, with an additional nervous laugh

To silence him, you kissed him again, but this time it tasted salty

You were confused, so you broke the kiss and opened your eyes, only to see tears rolling down Bucky's happy face

You were terrified that you did something wrong and that he didn't really want this, so you asked "Bucky? Are you okay?"

He just nodded and let the tears fall, which is not something he does often - he normally tries to hide his tears

You took this as a sign that he was comfortable around you and he trusted you with his life

"This... This is gonna sound really cliche, but every word is true" he managed to get out

He slipped his metal hand into yours and looked you right in the eyes

"I just want to thank you, not just for being in my life and for sticking around, but for reminding me that broken things can be loved, and might I just say, you're doing it beautifully. I get that I'm not the most cooperative person in the world and I know that I can be difficult, but you are the best thing that ever happened to me and you're the only person that I have ever truly loved"

When he finished speaking, he looked at you with nothing but pure joy filling his eyes behind the tears that were in them

You were speechless

You had no idea what to say, but your heart felt fuller than it ever has done before

Hearing all of this come from Bucky just filled you with happiness

As you were looking at him and his once broken face, you felt that Bucky just triggered something within you

A feeling that you've never felt before - this feeling only came when you were looking at his face

It took you a while to figure out what it was, but you soon realised that this feeling was that the man you were looking at, you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him

You wanted to never let him go, and to grow old(er) together

You wanted to be with him forever

"You're my favourite person, Y/N" he said

You were permanently in love with him forever and you knew now that all you wanted in life...

"And you're mine" you whispered

...Was Bucky

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now