89. Take Care- Alternate

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Requested by: gasliight
Thanks bestie

So, this is the same as the other Take Care part, but the roles are reversed :)

This means that Maria Hill never told you that Bucky was shot, because he wasn't, - you decided to find him because of a different reason

I don't really like the ending to this- what do you lot think?

Word Count: 1057

Bucky was guarding the lower floors of the building, making sure that your life was a little bit easier

At one point, Bucky noticed something odd about the building

It was quiet - too quiet

Not even five minutes ago, he was just beating up like 10 guys in a corridor, with ease of course

He was now on edge as he looked around quickly, filled with anxiety and paranoia for what was about to happen

He then felt like someone was approaching him, but when he looked, no one was there

His battle stance never faltered once, but he backed up against the wall in a corridor so that he couldn't get attacked from behind

But, he didn't realise that by doing this, he just opened himself up and became an easier target to hit

Aight, this is the new bit- ooooo, this is like What If, int it?

Suddenly, he heard footsteps coming right towards him, so he panicked, tensed up more, and raised his gun, pointing it at the source of the noise

His finger was ready to squeeze the trigger, but when he saw your face appear from the darkness, he immediately removed it and lowered his gun as he walked towards you

He smiled at you and gave you a one armed hug with a kiss on your forehead

"I thought we had to be apart for this mission go go right?" he said, looking you up and down, discreetly checking you for any injuries

"Hill said that I should come and find you so we can take out any hostiles before we actually begin with the plan" you replied, cracking your neck while looking around "Are you complaining?"

"Definitely not, I'd rather you be here where I can see you than somewhere I can't quickly get to" he said, smiling softly at you now that you weren't looking at him

You meant everything to him and he tried to protect you the best he could - he loved and trusted you more than anything and would give his own life to save yours with absolutely no hesitation

Another sudden noise alerted both of you, making you both swivel round, trusting each other to watch the other's back

Then, out of nowhere, a mass of around 50 agents were sprinting towards you and Bucky

It was just your luck that you got the bigger half- there were 30 on you and 20 on your boyfriend

"Ready?" he asked, tensing up again

"Not even a little bit" you replied, making him chuckle as he prepared himself for anything

Then, the fight began, and thanks to his gun and metal arm, Bucky had taken out all 20 of his guys before you had even done 10 of yours

So, he turned back around and panicked a lot at the sight of you

You were fighting off a few at a time, all while the rest were taking shots at you

Bucky knew that it was highly unlikely that you weren't going to get shot, so he tried to help as best he could by working as quickly as possible

But, he wasn't quick enough

A loud bang echoed through the corridor as you fell to the ground with a scream of pain

Bucky felt a fire within him as he shouted your name, but he couldn't get to you, because the fight was still going

He had to leave you on the floor, bleeding out and dying whilst he fought for his life

A few minutes later, Bucky had won the fight, but was about to lose everything - you were almost dead and there was nothing he could do to save you

Nevertheless, he kneeled down in front of you with tears filling his eyes

When he saw your almost lifeless face, he screamed and suddenly, you were gone and he was back in his bed, sat upright, covered in sweat and shaking

His breathing was staggered and frantic as he looked around the room for you, but upon seeing your empty side of the bed, he broke down crying

"Y/N?" he asked as he searched for you "Y/N!?" he shouted, desperate to see you again

He was genuinely confused as to where you were, as he didn't realise that you were gone because he had just woken up and his head was fuzzy

The more he looked around, the more he started to realise that you were actually dead

When he was certain that you were, he curled himself into a small ball, his back resting on the headboard

He pulled his knees into his chest and he rocked back and forth, sobbing and yelling into them

"Please come back to me" he begged, but he knew that no matter how much he screamed, cried and shouted, there was no way that you were going to come back

Despite this, his choked sobs echoed through the walls of the tower, probably waking everyone up, but no one cared - he had lost his entire universe, he was allowed to scream and cry

As he rocked, he kept repeating "I love you" over and over again, as if you were right there in front of him

He thought that he didn't say this to you enough when you were alive, so he was now trying to reassure you that he actually did love you

And, of course, Bucky blamed himself for your death- he thought that he wasnt quick enough and he should've tried to save you as soon as you got shot, but that was practically impossible

After a while, he had started to calm down, so he looked at your side of the bed once again with a heartbroken gaze

He imagined you laying there, looking up to him with a soft smile, reassuring him that everything was going to be okay, just like you used to when he had a nightmare, but then he whispered

"T-Take care, Y/N"

Bucky Barnes One Shots - EDITINGDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora